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Deprivation of sleep is surely nothing to be scoffed at since it can lead to a tremendous amount of health problems with the worst case scenario, even resulting in a fatality.

While as a grown adult, you only need around 7-9 hours; nevertheless, people suffering from chronic sleep deprivation can have diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, high blood pressure, and even stroke. Other potential problems can also include depression, immunity impairment, lower sex drive, and obesity. Matters regarding sleep are indeed serious.

According to a recent study by Sleep Foundation, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep makes up between 20-25% of total sleep and in a normal sleep period, a person can experience four to six sleep cycles.

Circadian Rhythm, also known as the internal clock, hosts the SCN (suprachiasmaticnuclues) in the brain, made up of 20,000 neurons. Our body temperatures fall by 1-2 degrees Fahrenheit during sleep while going through a 15% drop in metabolism. Around 10-30% of adults struggle with chronic insomnia.

Ways Technology is Hurting Sleep

phone in hand

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With the passage of time, our personal and professional lives have been inflicted with a range of technologies that keep us preoccupied throughout the day. Urban dwellers know this well since almost everyone carries a smartphone around them and this shows just how dependent on technology we have become. Let’s take a quick look at some of the common ways technology is hurting our sleep these days.

  • Binge Watching

With a wide range of video streaming services no available at your whim, there is no doubt people have become addicted to watching video content.

Web series, TV series, dramas, OVAs (original video animations), anime, and whatnot have infiltrated our lives. Who can forget the big guns, including Amazon Prime Video, Crunchyroll, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Hulu, and Netflix, to name a few.

However, YouTube reigns supreme, and there is no wonder people just lay back and watch their favorite shows and episodes without feeling the need to close their devices any time soon.

  • Late Night Technology Use

Talking about unhealthy practices, one of the biggest problems people face is detaching themselves from their devices. There are people who keep their smartphones on the dressing table or the side table and physically distance themselves from all distractions before going to bed.

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While on the other hand, there are those who would simply plugin and then doze off with their headphones still running some form of media. This is indeed a very unhealthy practice.

It would be best if you considered putting all your devices aside before going to bed, especially not keeping your smartphone next to your pillow or even on the bed. This is because harmful radiations from the device can cause additional problems without you knowing about them.

  • Melatonin Decrease

Studies have revealed that consistent screen time can cause a decrease in Melatonin in your eyes. Melatonin is a hormone that is released by the pineal gland at night and has been long associated with control of the sleep and wake cycle.

People who actually suffer from insomnia are provided with supplements of this hormone that are typically taken orally. While Melatonin is produced naturally, overusing your eyes can cause their level to decrease over time, keeping you awake longer than you normally should.

  • Video Game Addicts

I am a video gamer myself. Though I should be supporting the gaming community, I too, have experienced the evil of gaming excitement that can keep you up at night. Just one last mission, just one more raid, and these self-fulfilling prophecies never actually come true.

Video game addiction is the worst because it could wake you up in the middle of the night just to go back and complete a daily quest or goal because you just remembered it wasn’t completed.

Ways Technology is Helping Sleep

Technology is Helping Sleep

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Now that we have talked about how technology can affect someone’s sleep pattern let’s look at the other side of the coin. This is because there are always two sides to a story and only when you have heard both of the opinions can you make the right judgment.

  • Customizable Lighting

Sleep can be induced with the right setting and mood. This is why many new gadgets coming these days offer you customizable lighting or soft lighting for your bedroom to make you feel comfortable and get you drowsy. The GlowLight from Casper ® is a fine example. At Assignment Assistance UK pupils are advised to never miss out on nighttime sleep.

  • Playing White Noise on Request

White noise may be something that the new generation might not be aware of.While white noise can be very loud, it can be adjusted to a low and soft demeanor where hearing it can cause you to sleep. You can search online for various videos that offer white noise to help you sleep at night. Students who opt for report writing services should consider playing white noise tracks to get to sleep faster.

  • Smartphone Apps

Here are some terrific smartphone apps that you can use to improve your sleep:

  • Calm – super easy to use and a great selection of bedtime stories
  • Headspace – a meditation app specifically designed for troubled sleepers
  • Noisli – simple app that cancels surrounding sound by playing your ideal sleep track
  • Pzizz – set the timer for the length of sleep session backed by soothing dreamscape
  • Sleep Cycle – tracks your sleep patterns and comes with a built-in alarm clock
  • Slumber – a combination of meditation exercises along with six-part bedtime story series
  • Temperature Control

I know this for a fact that without proper room temperature, sleeping can be quite uncomfortable. However, every person has their own preferences. Some people like it cool while others prefer warmth. The best bedroom temperature for sleep is generally considered to be around 65-degrees Fahrenheit, which equals 18.3 degree Celsius.

  • Wearable Fitness Devices

Now you can have your sleep cycles monitored with the help of wearable devices that you can carry around with you. This is the age of the IoT (Internet of Things), after all. Here some fine picks that might pique your interest:

  • Beddit Sleep Monitor – best for Apple users
  • Fitbit Versa – best overall
  • SleepOn Go2Sleep Tracker – best value
  • Tempur-PedicSleeptracker – dedicated sleep tracker
  • Withings Sleep – sleep tracking pad
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Labeling technology as either good or bad for sleep is simply not logical. Take a knife, for example. You can use it to cut an apple in half or commit a heinous crime with it. Hence it is us, the user of all these tools, that is to blame.

Our actions and doings make the outcome, and while people would debate that the environment shapes us and impact us, I still consider that every person should have the decency to look in the mirror rather than play the blame game. With that, I leave you with my opinion. If you care to disagree, then please let me know. Cheers, and Sweet Dreams!

Author Bio

Melissa Calvert currently works as a devoted Lifestyle Counselor at Crowd Writer. This is where higher education students can request professionals to write my essay for me in order to obtain specialized assistance for their subjects and topics. During her leisure time, she likes to surf the internet for the latest developments in the world of tech.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.