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Most people are familiar with cannabis. However, there are now many more ways to consume thc than there formerly were due to legalization in some locations and an increase in the number of people using it recreationally or for medical purposes.

It includes a THC cartridge, tinctures, topical weed treatments, and items like marijuana pills, commonly known as THC pills.

As with other medicines, there can be variability between how thc reacts in your bloodstream, how much your intake, and the severe impacts of the substance.

Marijuana is considered a safe drug but has a high potential for addiction. Many users of marijuana don’t anticipate developing an addiction, yet it can happen more quickly than you might imagine.

Marijuana addiction is a severe threat that can afflict anyone at any age. You should know that you’re not alone if you’re going through a marijuana addiction and that treatment is available to you.

How does addiction happen?

The National Institute on Drug Addiction is “a chronic, relapsing condition marked by obsessive drug seeking, continuing use despite adverse effects, and long-lasting alterations in the brain.”

Let’s say that despite “clinically severe impairment,” which has a negative effect on your life, you cannot stop consuming THC. If so, you may meet the requirements for marijuana addiction, often known as cannabis use disorder in the medical community.

According to Healthline, research released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 30 percent of marijuana users may have “marijuana use disorder” to some extent. The Department of Health and Human Services declares that one in every eleven marijuana users develops an addiction.

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The NIH study also found associations between marijuana use and other substance use disorders, behavioral issues, and physical impairments.

Marijuana addiction can arise from many circumstances. Marijuana addiction has several root causes, including:

The genetic make-up of a person

You may have a high chance of developing a marijuana addiction if you have a close relative dependent on drugs or alcohol.

How it is consumed

People who use cannabis frequently are more prone to developing an addiction than people who consume it less often.

Underlying issues with mental health

You can have a higher chance of developing a marijuana addiction if you suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Cannabis addiction is a significant problem that affects many people. It’s critical to understand the effects of marijuana addiction if you suffer from it.

THC Side Effects

Some people want to get rid of their marijuana because they wish to stop using it. However, quitting thc use could result in withdrawal symptoms, making it harder to stop. These signs consist of:

  • Mood swings, irritability, and agitation
  • Concern and sadness
  • Sleep disruption
  • A diminished appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Discomfort in the body and mind, including headaches, chills, sweating, trembling, and stomach pain
  • Using it in an abundant supply
  • Trying to stop using marijuana but failing to do so
  • Using marijuana consistently
  • Thirst for thc
  • It causes issues at work, school, or home.
  • Continue it despite emotional or relationship issues.
  • Using marijuana rather than participating in activities with friends and family.
  • Used in hazardous circumstances, such as when operating a vehicle.
  • Maintaining marijuana use despite health or mental issues
  • Need more marijuana to achieve a high.
  • Having withdrawal symptoms after quitting marijuana
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On the other side, some people decide to give up using marijuana to detox and pass a future drug test.

Detoxification may take some time because marijuana residues can linger in the bloodstream for a while. You will test negative for marijuana when all traces are washed out. Understanding how different marijuana drug tests function and how much the substance stays in the body is necessary for efficient detoxification.

Treatment for THC Addiction

THC Addiction

Treatment facilities for marijuana addiction come in a variety of forms. Your demands will determine the best environment for you. For various patients, different therapy environments will be more effective. You might want to consider many factors when selecting a program, such as:

  • The method used by the program to treat addiction
  • The program’s structure and length
  • Licensure and accreditation.
  • Whether or not the program provides medicine
  • Whether or not family members are a part of the healing process.
  • If a continuum of treatment, including aftercare for continuous assistance, is provided by the program.

Programs for treating thc addiction can provide:

  • Behavioral treatment as well as cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Planning for aftercare and discharge
  • program for residential treatment
  • Partially inpatient stays and extensive outpatient treatments
  • teaching about preventing relapse
  • Counseling for families, groups, and individuals

Since rehabilitation mandates abstaining from the use of any potentially addictive substance, it’s critical to learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and conflict without resorting to drugs or alcohol. You’ll learn symptom management techniques and coping strategies during treatment. Another way it helps you become ready for sobriety is by teaching you how to notice, change, and accept unwanted thoughts and feelings.

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Inpatient marijuana addiction treatment entails staying the night on-site, receiving care and support around the clock, and having access to urgent medical help for any potential problems. It takes away the hassles of daily living so you can concentrate on your rehabilitation in a safe setting.

Because you live at home and commute to a rehab facility daily for treatment, an outpatient therapy rehab center differs from an inpatient one. It means you participate in treatment for several hours a day, most days of the week, as part of routine outpatient care. This care may involve counseling or group therapy sessions once or twice weekly.


Addiction to thc is a major, significant issue that can negatively affect every aspect of your life. Marijuana addiction can cause problems with your career, relationships, and finances. It might also be bad for your physical and emotional well-being.

There is, however, hope. With proper help, you may overcome your addiction and start living a healthy, fulfilling life. You can manage your addiction and put your life back on track with the support of addiction treatment.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.

Posted in CBD