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Thailand, the Land of Smiles, and a destination for millions of holidaymakers each year, attracted by its beautiful climate, stunning scenery, incredible history and local culture. And of course, who can forget the food that provides incredible tastes and has returning guests trying to emulate the recipe or head to their local Thai restaurant?

It’s a land that captures the heart and sees many wishing to move full-time, either with a business or for long-term pleasure. However, while this is possible it is not quite as simple as jumping on a plane with one’s possessions and starting a new life, particularly if intending to earn a living and setting up a business while in Thailand. Those wishing to work must be the holder of a visa & work permit which for anyone unacquainted can be a confusing and drawn-out process unless enlisting the assistance of professionals.

The definition of work in Thailand is any foreigner that exerts energy or who uses knowledge whether they receive wages or other benefits. The law is strictly adhered to with penalties to pay by those not adhering to it. That is why getting the permit is vital, whether setting up a business, working as a teacher, or going to help behind a bar. There are many complex stipulations that are best left in the hands of experts with vast experience in such matters.

Any applicant looking to set up a business requires THB 2M in registered capital, VAT registration as well as having 4 Thai employees that are registered in the social fund. The applicant must be the holder of a proper type of non-immigration visa, with some specific employment requiring proof of qualifications, while the business setting up must provide a proper environment for their employees in line with the stated objectives of the concern as well as when it was registered. Thailand is a perfect destination for a honeymoon trip, but it’s far more complex when moving there for work.

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The application for a permit provides further challenges which need to be provided in Thai as well as English, such as filling in application forms which include details of the location of the workplace and details of the necessity of a foreign employee. Valid passports and a CV completed in both languages are also essential, as well as medical certificates to prove health, photographs for the forms, any required licenses along other requirements depending on the line of business.

The business is required to produce similar completed application forms along with a list of shareholders. Those with a factory will be required to show their license where necessary, along with a valid VAT certificate. All applications should be made at a local Provincial Hall, unless in Bangkok, where the Ministry of Labor deals with it.

Thailand is an amazing country to live in, but those wishing to work or set up a business must successfully apply for a visa and work permit.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.