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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

It might seem as if digital marketing is all that a company needs to be successful nowadays. However, it’s important that business owners understand that traditional marketing approaches should not be neglected either. Offline marketing methods are still very beneficial for spreading the word about a company and attracting customers.

Here are some of the ways how implementing traditional marketing strategies can help a business thrive.

Not everyone is on social media

First of all, every company owner or manager should know that not everyone is online. Of course, some market research can determine whether the target audience uses social media and which platforms. However, the fact of the matter is that certain people do not use smartphones and social networks for a variety of reasons. To get the attention of those individuals, companies can invest in billboards, for example. Placing them alongside busy roads where people have to wait in traffic every day while commuting is a great way to build visibility.

Newspapers and magazines are not dead

Putting ads in newspapers and magazines is another way to get spotted. For instance, most people nowadays have apps on their electronic devices that block all sorts of ads. That means that no matter how much money a company invests in creating these online commercials, they might not get seen at all. On the other hand, people still read newspapers and magazines and a creative ad might catch their eye. While these ads will not lead potential customers straight to a company’s website, it might interest them enough to type in the URL on their own or give the company a call to learn more about their products or services. Whether it’s local newspapers or niche magazines, businesses should make the most of this approach.

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People still watch TV and listen to the radio

Just like newspapers and magazine ads can be effective, so can TV and radio commercials. Producing a high-quality ad that will air on local channels or coming up with a catchy jingle still works. While it might be difficult to measure just how effective these ads are, the fact that TV and radio reach various audiences and increase brand awareness cannot be argued.

Pop-up stores are intriguing

Pop-up shops are another traditional marketing strategy that can attract attention. For example, opening a pop-up show on a busy street can draw in many customers who want to check out what a company has to offer. All that a business would need for this approach is a branded stand and some lightweight pull up banners that are easy to assemble as well as products that are being sold or some sort of demonstration of the services that it provides. Having printed handouts prepared as well is vital so that the customers can find the company easily once they get home. Of course, the business owner should look into licenses and permits that might be necessary for opening a pop-up shop.

Attending trade shows is vital for networking

While a pop-up shop is an excellent way to appeal to customers, companies also have to make some partnerships with other businesses. Attending trade shows provides business owners with a unique opportunity to meet similar businesspeople and see whether they can strike up a deal. In addition to having a booth with brochures, companies should also hand out business cards. No, they are not dead. What is more, they leave a great first impression, show legitimacy, and are quite cost-effective.

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Booking speaking engagements builds authority

Besides frequenting trade shows in order to network and develop business partnerships, business owners should also look into speaking engagements. Whether it’s speaking at a trade show, a local college, or at some smaller event, this method works amazing for building authority in the field and attracting clients. A similar approach is writing for industry publications and offering advice to their readers, while subtly advertising the company.

Direct mail is going strong

With so many email subscriptions, promotional emails can easily slip through the cracks. On the other hand, direct mail that gets delivered straight to the mailbox can grab the customers’ attention more easily. Direct mail also comes with countless opportunities for creativity and customization. Companies can include a brochure of the products and services they offer as well as some coupons and personal notes that contribute to a friendly relationship with the consumer base.

Cold calling still works

Communicating via email and live chat is now widely available, yet people still seem to prefer phone calls. With that in mind, cold calling can help a company reach new customers who never heard of it before. In addition to gaining relevant information, businesses can make connections this way as well, especially if the sales reps are well-trained and friendly.


Traditional marketing still has its advantages and it should not be disregarded. However, combining the online from bolly2tolly and offline methods will certainly produce the best results for a company.