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A leather jacket enhances a cool impression and causes you to look awesome in the first look which is the main reason people pip out. You’ll often see celebs wearing jackets in movies and people often ask themselves, how am I able to look classy like that guy?

We know you are curious about how you can also give the impression just like the celeb but first you have to understand few things before moving forward.

  1. Quality of Leather:

Just like everything, not all leather is fabricated the same way. In the current era, jackets are manufactured from different types of materials. Before you opt-in for a leather jacket always remembers to know the difference between real leather and artificial leather. Does not compromise on the standard, always purchase a genuine leather jacket?

  1. Fitting:

The main and most important part of any jacket is its fitting. Starting from shoulder till the end (waist) your jacket should not be loose or stiff. The shoulder should be from tip to tip. Sleeve length should be up to waist and chest should be measured from the highest part of your chest. Make measurements not very tight, let’s say keep it loose 1-2 cm so that you do not stiff or feel lost. Tight-fitting will make you uncomfortable and to lose feel bulky.

  1. Stitching:

Stitching is another critical factor for good looking and durable jacket. Always opt for a double stitch jacket. Stitching is important because after wearing a jacket you stretch and move around and a double stitch will not lose its place, while a single stitch moves from its place after a few times you wear it.

  1. Styles to adapt

Leather jacket style is very important. Always select a jacket according to your personality. Let’s say if you are a rider and bike lover you can select from a typical biker leather jacket with a single lapel or double-breasted. You can also go for a café racer leather jacket. A cafe racer jacket typically has a stand or mandarin collar.

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Here are few examples from movies for your inspiration to get a jacket of your dream.

1. Tom Cruise Leather Jacket in Mission Impossible

Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in mission impossible movie wearing a navy blue café racer jacket with a black T-Shirt and jeans and he looks very stunning while riding his bike. A classy look that’s easy to find your feet.

2. Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049 Leather Coat

Another great leather garment wore by a stylish actor Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049 Leather Coat in Blade Runner 2049 where he performs an officer K role and wearing a long leather coat with fur inner lining. If you are a fan of Ryan you will surely love to wear the same coat to look like him.

3. Bradley Cooper Black Café Racer Leather Jacket

Bradley Cooper is another Hollywood actor with lots of fans around the world. He before dressed up as a sniper and a rock star possesses a powerful style in a simple black café race leather jacket. You can also get this type of leather jacket if you are a true fan.

4. Han Solo from Star Wars

Harrison Ford played Han Solo’s role in Star Wars where he wore a leather jacket in black color. Another great style and by a famous Hollywood star that inspired many fans.

Leather jacket style and design play an important role when it comes to looking fabulous. Whether you are a girl or a boy you always want to look like some celeb of your dream. A leather jacket plays an important role in developing a likable personality. The time is gone when leather jackets were considered to be wear in the cold season. Manufacturers have developed many ways to produce leather of all kinds that are not only feasible to wear in winter but you can also wear it in Pre-winter.

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Types of Leather

There are many types of leather on market, but few of them are popular;

Cow Leather: It is the most widely used leather for different types of products. It is specially used for making leather jackets, shoes, gloves and many more. Usually, jackets that are made from cow leather are heavy and can last for many years.

Buffalo Leather: Leather made from buffalo is also known for its durability and thickness. It is also used for making a range of products from jackets to shoes and everything in between.

Sheepskin Leather: Sheep and lambskin are usually light in weight and also durable. You would not feel any weight on your shoulders while wearing a sheepskin jacket.

What Type of jacket is cool for men?

The answer to this simple question is not that easy as people expect it. It depends on your budget personality and environment. Let’s say if you are plus-size and looking for a biker jacket it would not suit your personality. On the other hand, if you are living in a region where winter is harsh then a biker jacket would not help you to resist the weather. Similarly goes for a budget, if you have the little budget then you would not get a jacket that lasts years. Good quality leather jackets are sold in the market for around 150-400 USD.

There are few small brands like LeatherJackets NZ and EveryYou who are providing excellent quality leather jackets for men and women at very affordable prices without compromising on quality.