• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

The need to become more environmentally aware has been more and more pressing in recent years. Although most of us are doing the basics, such as opting for less packaging and sorting our recycling, is there more we could be doing?

Read on for some unique ways, both big and small, that you can make a difference and make your home more environmentally friendly.

1. Install Solar Panels

For anyone looking to make a big change, you could opt to add solar panels to your rooftop. Solar panels can be costly upfront but are a good long-term investment. Solar panels work by using energy from the sun, even on cloudy days! Depending on your electricity usage and where you live, your solar panels could generate enough electricity for you to go off-grid completely and make huge savings on your utility bills.

2. Use Water-based Paints

Whether you are in a new home, or just fancy a refresh, opting for water-based paints is a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional oil-based paints. You can find water-based paints in a huge array of colors and finishes so you won’t be missing out.

3. Try Vinyl Replacement Windows

Vinyl replacement windows are strong, durable, and energy-efficient. They are hassle-free to have installed and are overall easier to clean and maintain. Getting new windows is a good way to improve your home’s efficiency and increase insulation. Not only can they reduce the amount of heating/air-con you use throughout the year, which will significantly reduce your energy bills, when vinyl has reached the end of its long life, it can be recycled.

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4. Shop Smarter

Another way to make your home more environmentally friendly is to be conscious of the products and brands you bring into your home. Common household products can cause havoc for the environment when washed away down the drain.

You can either opt for environmentally friendly brands or try out some simple homemade alternatives. For example, cleaning your home with a lemon juice or vinegar-based solution.

5. Make Compost

Although you might already separate your recycling, it could be time to turn your attention toward your food waste. All you need to do is collect any food scraps or food past its best, put it in a compost bin, leave it, and andvoilà! You have yourself some compost that can be used in the garden.

6. Use Less Water

Last but not least, use less water. Using less water doesn’t need to mean depriving yourself when you want a drink or limiting yourself to one bath a week. It simply comes down to being mindful of water use and being considerate. For example, when you’re washing the pots or brushing your teeth, simply stop the water running while you’re not using it, rather than letting unused water flow down the drain. You could also opt for a shower rather than a bath.

Making your home more environmentally friendly is all about doing what you can. If you follow one or all of the tips above, that’s great! Take a moment to pat yourself on the back and give yourself a round of applause. If we just all do what we can, we can create a more sustainable way of life.