• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Mostly each household has at least one or more cars lying around in their garage which are no longer drivable, eating up space and unnecessary maintenance budget due to not getting the desired results in their car-parts hunt out of the monthly income. Or sometimes, accidental damage extended the period time in which it was left unattended so much that the only option you are left with is to get rid of it. This is also an excellent option to look for if you want to make quick cash by selling your old car which is not in a good condition to a new one because it is unlikely that people will be interested in buying it.

This is where cash for cars wellington comes to rescue. You can get it removed for free and make cash for cars in Wellington. Sounds good right? Here is what they do to make it almost hassle-free for you.


Car wreckers services in wellington are getting famous recently because of the services they offer you. It is the most convenient way to get rid of your old vehicle but make sure the one you’re getting in touch with is certified and approved by the government.

  • The first step includes calling up to them on their toll-free number or simply dropping a mail, getting the quote of your car. It is better if you try to give the detail like the year of purchase, make and model of your vehicle, and any physical damage on the car via phone call so that the chance of getting a high price value for your vehicle will be more. The price you get of the car tends to fluctuate over time based on the current demands and other factors like the condition, age, and reusability of car parts in the market.
  • After getting a slot, in the next 48 hours, they will arrive at your location, examine the vehicle, make your payment, and tow the vehicle on your behalf. This excludes the hassle of renting a towing service to get the car out of your property.
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No matter what kind of car you own, who’s the manufacturer, or which year it was built in, they will dismantle and recycle all models and pay you for it. The most usual ones are Sedans, Vans, SUVs, Off-Road Jeep, Hatchbacks, and Truck.


  • To start with, usually, all the car and truck wreckers in Wellington are certified and approved by the government. Their team consists of people who are experts and experienced in the automotive industry.
  • This service is mostly eco-friendly and it is ensured that each process and step from the pickup, dismantling, safe disposal of E-waste, and recycling of valuable parts makes no harmful impact on the environment. Millions of cars are sold in New Zealand every year, approximately 50% of these vehicles are recycled. With the help of these recycling processes, the automobile industry reuses the steel of these old vehicles for the manufacturing of new cars’ bodies. Car wreckers of Wellington follow the firmly established guidelines of the proper dismantling of old vehicles according to the End of Life Vehicle directive.

It helps in promoting the awareness of recycling amongst the citizens of the country to maintain the ecological balance in our environment.

  • If you wreck the car yourself and now looking for buyers to sell the parts of your car then this can be a lengthy and tricky thing to do. Typically, auto wreckers lower hutt operate yards where people looking to buy a second-hand car or their parts can visit. Hundreds if not thousands of the same car models are likely being driven around the streets of the country and these cars need to be repaired and maintained. That is what makes car parts more valuable. Depending on the condition, demand, and the market value of these parts you can negotiate and get the best value for them. Contacting them for a deal in your car parts not only saves you a lot of time but also gives multiple quotes to choose from.
  • If you are looking for parts of your vehicle and passionate about your car, you can also visit them and pick the part by yourself. You can find their people who love to work around cars and can provide you with parts at a reasonable price. Be it your latest sports car, high-tech SUV, or a vintage beauty. As we know new car parts are expensive as compare to old car parts. Sometimes brand new parts are not compatible with your car’s make and model. It is a challenging task for the car owner to find a suitable part for their car.