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The Use Of  Brown Rice Syrup in cooking:

Brown Rice syrup is vegan and can be used as an alternative sweetener for all kinds of meals and foods (not suitable as raw food). In vegan cuisine, brown rice syrup is a popular substitute for honey, because it is similar to honey in texture and appearance. Brown rise syrup is suitable for sweetening and enhancing muesli, desserts, ice cream, as a spread on bread and for baking. Mild tasting rice syrup can also be used to complete hearty vegetable or rice dishes. Salad dressings and sauces can be lightly sweetened with vegan rice syrup. Rice syrup is also used as a sweetener for some drinks, such as rice milk (vegan).

Rice syrup flavor is low to moderate, with a slight nutty-caramel undertone. The sweetness of Brown Rice syrup is less than that of granulated sugar , so more rice syrup will be needed for the same intensity. One cup of honey, maple syrup , or granulated sugar can be substituted for about a cup of rice syrup (or malt sugar ). one

If you want to replace the granulated sugar in one of your recipes with  in baking, you should reduce the remaining liquid content by about 10%. Thus, you can easily prepare a cake or pastries.

1)Vegan Recipe for Raspberry Ice Cream with Rice Syrup:

Ingredients (for 5 people) : 200 g raspberries , 125 ml unsweetened plant milk (e.g. almond milk , soy milk , rice milk), 1 banana , 1 tablespoon rice syrup (bio).

Preparation: Peel the banana, wash the raspberries, place in a bowl of rice syrup and vegetable milk and puree with a blender or hand blender. Pour the raspberry mixture into ice cream molds and use a wooden stick. Vegan raspberry ice cream needs to chill in the freezer for at least 4 hours, or overnight at best, before it’s ready to eat.

2)Vegan Recipe for Carrot Muffins with Brown Rice syrup:

Ingredients (for 6 people): 100 g rice flour , 80 ml water , 50 g grated carrots , 50 g Brown Rice syrup (organic), 50 g ground walnuts , 30 ml rapeseed oil, 2 teaspoons baking powder , vanilla bean pulp .

Preparation: Preheat oven with ventilation to 180°C. Mix rice flour, nuts, grated carrots and baking powder. Add canola oil, rice syrup, water and vanilla pulp and stir to combine. Divide the mixture between 6 cupcake liners and bake the cupcakes in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy vegan muffins chilled.

Vegan recipe for ginger tea with tangerines and rice syrup:

Ingredients (for 2 people): ½ liter of water, about 15 g of fresh ginger , juice of 2 tangerines , 1-2 teaspoons of brown rice syrup (bio).

Preparation: Peeled ginger cut into thin slices, boil in ½ liter of water and let the tea brew for about 20 minutes at low temperature. Squeeze two tangerines with a citrus press and add to rice syrup tea. Strain the tea through a fine sieve before serving.

Vegan recipes with rice syrup can be found under the note: “Recipes with the most of this ingredient” (at the bottom or next to it).

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There are two different types of rice syrup on the market: industrially produced rice syrup made from rice flour and traditionally made malt syrup made from whole grain rice grains with a small amount of germinated barley grains (barley malt). The latter product is also known as rice malt or rhizomalt. For details, see “Probability of Confusion”.

Storage of rice syrup – expiration date:

The shelf life of Brown Rice Syrup is about a year. Once opened, rice syrup should be kept cool and dry, preferably in the refrigerator. If the syrup is left in the refrigerator for a long time, it may reach a viscous consistency; if you submerge it briefly in warm water, it will become more liquid again. If you bought a large amount of rice syrup, you can freeze it in batches and thaw it as needed.

Top of Form

Rice syrup contains 0.1 mg/100 g of copper . Cherry and Bosk pear have a similar content . A lot of copper is found in black pepper (205.3 mg / 100 g) and port wine (10 mg / 100 g). 2 Copper is an essential trace element involved in the endogenous antioxidant system and in the formation of connective tissue, pigments and hemoglobin. 3 However, we almost never have a shortage of this trace element.

With 194 mg of potassium per 100 g, rice syrup covers 10% of the daily requirement. Tofu contains the same amount of potassium. Spices such as turmeric (2080mg/100g) and chili flakes (1870mg/100g) achieve significantly higher numbers. 2 Potassium is important for regulating the membrane potential of body cells. four

Iron is present in rice syrup at 1.2 mg/100 g, which is 9% of the daily requirement. Sweet soy sauce and umeboshi paste contain approximately 1.4 mg/100 g of iron. Some dried herbs, such as thyme (124 mg/100 g) and basil (90 mg/100 g), are particularly high in iron.

Brown Rice syrup benefit and harm? While brown rice syrup is a vegan and mostly well tolerated alternative to honey . However, industrial rice syrup is low in nutrients (keyword: empty calories), traditionally made syrup used to be more beneficial. This sweetener is found in many products advertised as “healthy” such as breakfast cereals, cereal bars and energy drinks, as well as baby food. For the same sweetness, you need significantly more rice syrup than, for example, granulated sugarbecause it has a higher sweetness.

Risks – intolerance – side effects of Brown Rice syrup:

In comparison, table sugar has a much lower GI (65). 6 Therefore, rice syrup should only be consumed in moderation. With a GI of 100, glucose is the basis for measuring the glycemic index.

Does rice syrup contain gluten? Rice syrup can be gluten-free if it is made without the addition of gluten-containing grains, or if the protein fractions are removed during the clarification process.

Brown rice syrup contains little or no fructose and can therefore be tolerated by people with hereditary and intestinal fructose intolerance (fructose malabsorption). For non-commercial rice syrup, the addition of germinated barley gives a slightly higher percentage of fructose. A comparison of various non-industrial types of rice syrups in European databases has shown that they contain very low levels of fructose (typically less than 200 mg per 100 g of syrup). But they are certainly much more useful than a finished industrial product.

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Does rice syrup contain arsenic? According to a 2012 study, brown rice syrup and products containing this syrup contain significant amounts of inorganic arsenic (As), which is toxic and carcinogenic to humans.

This is probably due to the high content of arsenic in rice.  Due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers in rice cultivation, arsenic and heavy metals accumulate in the soil. Rice absorbs arsenic through its roots and stores it in its seeds and leaves. Young children absorb arsenic even more easily than adults, so rice products should not be given too often to children under 3 years of age.

Short chain carbohydrates (FODMAPs), which include fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, are food ingredients each of which is known to be a potential cause of intolerance due to its poor absorption in the small intestine.

brown rice syrup contains oligosaccharides (polysaccharides), people who are sensitive to oligosaccharides should refrain from consuming rice syrup. Otherwise, drinking rice syrup can lead to gas, stomach pain, and diarrhea. 9

Distribution – origin:

Rice syrup from Asia (probably from Japan 19 ) is one of the oldest sweeteners in the world that requires Brown Rice syrup to produce. Today, about 90% of the rice harvest comes from Asian countries such as China, India, Japan and Thailand. But rice is also grown in the USA and Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Russia). 10.11

Environmental aspects:

The ecobalance of brown rice rice syrup is quite low. The frequent use of pesticides and fertilizers in rice growing areas results in soil and groundwater pollution. In addition, growing wet rice requires a lot of water and releases about 100 million tons of climate-damaging methane every year. Dry rice cultivation is more favorable for the climate and the environment. 13.14

Long transportation routes for rice and rice products (such as rice syrup) result in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Therefore, it is recommended not to consume rice syrup in excess and always use organic rice syrup.

Probability of confusion:

Rice syrup is known as “malt syrup”, although modern methods of production still dispense with the addition of barley malt. However, the name malt syrup is almost entirely reserved for barley malt syrup in everyday use (see ingredient malt extract ). Both of these sweeteners develop their sweet taste during fermentation with the help of enzymes.

Depending on whether the rice syrup is prepared in the traditional way (with germinated barley) or industrially, the result will be darker or lighter. The first variant is also called rice malt 18 (rice malt syrup) and is significantly browner and has a malty-caramel flavor. However, rice malt also contains gluten and is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance. fifteen

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Although malt actually refers to a malted grain, the terms malt and malt syrup can be used in the same way in everyday life.

Rice syrup production:

Traditional: In traditional rice syrup production, a small amount of sprouted barley (barley malt) is added to cooked whole grain rice. Barley malt enzymes convert carbohydrates, proteins and lipids into a sweet solution. After the solids have been filtered out of the solution, the rice syrup is boiled to obtain a lower water content and a concentrated, syrupy thick consistency. After fermentation, the syrup contains less glucose (monosaccharide), but a lot of maltose (disaccharide). 16

Industrial:in the industrial production of rice syrup, whole grain rice is first ground into rice flour. Rice flour is heated with water, and the enzymes begin to work. The enzymes used here do not come from germinated barley, but from fungi or bacteria that come from organic bioreactors.

The production works without synthetic chemicals and is similar to the production of traditional rice syrup. The use of enzymes produced with the help of genetically modified fungi or bacteria is possible in the case of auxiliary materials without the obligation to declare (genetic engineering).

Currently, the food industry uses about 80% of these enzymes. In the case of labels such as “GMO free”, “GMO free”, etc. or “bio”, neither additives nor enzymes can be produced through genetic engineering.12

Note: Can I make my own rice syrup? Making rice syrup on your own is difficult and best not advised.

General information:

Rice syrup is a popular sugar substitute and is considered an alternative sweetener. Other plant-based sweeteners often used as an alternative to sugar in vegan cuisine are maple syrup , agave syrup , stevia, date syrup, or erythritol.

Alternative titles:

In English, rice syrup is called Brown Rice syrup, rice malt syrup, brown rice syrup oder brown rice malt syrup.

Due to their high maltose content, some foods also go by names such as high maltose syrup or maltose syrup. The focus here is on viscous syrups (made by saccharification of starch) with a very high maltose content, which are mainly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. 17,18 However, the term has also spread to German, where maltose syrup is rare.

In Spain, rice syrup is called sirope de arroz.

In Russia, rice syrup is also called malt syrup or rice malt.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.