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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com
Christmas is all about coming together and being bonded. It is an occasion to be thankful to God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us throughout the year. We all want to start the next year with positivity and optimism and with the Christmas holiday get together it gives such a great boost up for the next year. There is no element that can make us dislike Christmas, for a few days it makes the chilly winters all cozy and cuddly. This is the day when everyone is merrier with the best of the vibes that fills the world.  The decorations, the lights, and the music are enough to make your heart filled with love and joy. The baked as well as the delicacies make things even better.

Best Christmas Gifts That Stay Close To My Heart Till Date

Gifts are a great way to make people happy and overjoyed. The tradition of giving and receiving gifts can be highly fulfilling. It is one of the most traditions that make people look forward to the Christmas holidays. As our Lord Jesus said that when you are blessed with everything make sure that you excel in the grace of giving to make other people feel blessed as well. Giving someone a gift can be as fulfilling and joyous as it is in the case of receiving; the happiness on the other person’s face is a reward of its own. In our family, we love to bake Xmas cakes and cookies as well as distribute them to ones who are not as blessed as we are.

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Recollecting my fondest memories of receiving gifts, even though all the gifts I got throughout pas Christmas are close to my heart but there remain three of my favorite ones. The best gift that I received on Christmas was in the year 2012 when I desperately wanted to get a dog as a pet but somehow we as a family dropped that idea a lot of times when finally on that Christmas my dad gifted me a beautiful puppy. He is my best friend and I am blessed to have him with me as his goofiness keeps me smiling at all the times. I named the puppy Oscar and now every Christmas we go all around the neighborhood distributing Xmas cakes to everyone. It is a living reminder of how special Christmas gifts can be, it is about knowing what the other person adores and then surprising them with the same.

Best Christmas Gifts

The next gift that I received was when I was in Bangalore whereas my family was staying in Delhi. Unfortunately due to some emergency at work, I was not able to visit my family on Christmas in the year 2010. I was devastated by the fact that everyone was together whereas I was alone sitting in my flat watching them through video calls. That Christmas I received an Online Flower Delivery in Bangalore. While I was wondering who sent it, I got a call from my mom asking if I liked the surprise. It was the most beautiful gift that I could have received. The fact that my not so tech-savvy mom did so much effort to make sure that I was not the one left out on the gift-giving traditions. I asked her how she was able to order the flowers all along to which she replied that she searched for cheap flower delivery in gurgaon and she had tons of options that facilitated such service. I thought to myself how innocent and heartwarming the answer that was. Just writing about the incident makes my heart melt.

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Christmas Gifts

Talking about the third-best gift that I received was when I was somewhat struggling in my studies. I remember that time I received a letter from my dad in which he wrote how he has faced hard times and his life and how my Grandpa always motivated him to keep his head high and face the situation like a charging bull. At that particular time, that letter was all I required to keep my mind straight and focused on my goals. It’s like they always say it’s not how big the gift is or how costly the gift is, rather than that it’s the thought that goes behind the gift.

To sum it all up, gifts are an important part of Christmas traditions and people love to invest their time in getting that perfect gift for the ones they love. It is the time and the thought invested to find the perfect gift that makes people receive gifts. It is the element of surprise that comes with the gift and the back-story of the bond that two people have with each other. These are the joys that come with the Christmas holiday season. To enjoy each and every company that you have and to appreciate the ones that make you smile is all Christmas is all about.