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Career employment opportunities for physicists are complex to crack via the assessments. However, once you make your way into the industry with the set of required skills and expertise, there will be plenty of jobs wanting you. Holding a physics degree not only guarantees your demand in the industry but also directs you towards learning new things concurrently. As per the reports, the comprehensive pool of jobs has been increased gradually with the demands of physics degree holders and it is expected to grow more in other industries like medicine, research analysis, space exploration, defense, transport, and more. 

Physics graduates are often taught and trained to think analytically and collate data for providing relevant equations, similar skills can also be entertained in other fields and industries that would offer better pay or a sustainable environment. Skills acquired from studying Physics can further be put to good use by specializing in one of the most required ability/aptitude that is likely to prosper in the near future. Opting for further educational programs help people in becoming flexible while working in relatable industries and seek jobs that attract their qualifications. 

Role of Physics in the field of Engineering 

Engineering concerns building techniques, planning out how to use construction expertise in designing structures, and such. Physics is closely related to building structures and engineering aspects, application of its laws in real-life situations hold great interest for students who want to pursue a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) or Bachelor of Engineering (BE). There are various streams of engineering associated with physics such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical and chemical engineering. The first one deals with the designing and construction of structures, buildings, and other properties. Mechanical engineering involves the study of forces to work on weaponry machines, aircraft, and engine thrust. Chemical and electrical engineering deal with the creation of industrial oils and electrical circuits respectively. Upon studying the dynamic streams of engineering-related physics, one can reckon why its applications are plenty in number. 

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Research Analyst 

In general, research analysis is a profession that deals with probing into organizational data and generating reports for client utilization. The reports include information about assets and securities of the business, its public deposits, and other details. However, a physics research analyst investigates the market with relevant operational tools and studies the scientific market with artificial intelligence and technical expertise. The function of physics in this sector would be understanding the nature of data and its repercussions if the organization goes through a boom or bust. 

Research Scientist

Research scientists are responsible for collating certain data information by performing relevant laboratory-based experiments and summarising them as per the study’s needs. They are also appointed for data communication and determining the scientific nature of the trade market. Physics is incorporated in the role of research scientist as the application comes from physics to test and take trials of products and service tools that an organization may be producing. Apart from the application part, they construct data from research findings that further aid the development of theories explaining the quality standards of a particular product. 

Medical Physicist

As the name suggests, a medical physicist tends to use analytical science in testing and tracking the health-related activities of a patient. Medical practices like ultrasound, X-ray tests, radiography have been fruitful only in the presence of applied physics. The software that aids these trials and analysis are collaborated by medical physicists to help treat patients in a much effective way. With modern technological advancements, the career opportunities for a medical physicist have shot up and people who are currently into managing and aiding people by developing new analytical techniques are popular in market demand. 

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While studying the laws of physics, the objective of an astronomer is to focus on interpreting the nature of space, understanding the system of planets and stars, and how they react to the space matter and colossal energy that is present out there. The primary duties of an astronomer entail developing scientific programs that make the understanding of space simpler and advancing observatory trials to test various scientific theories. They are also responsible for studying the size of planets and gravitational force in space, atom size, and other celestial bodies around us. 


The role of an academician is to study the resources, published research reports, and enlighten the path of applied concepts in the field of education. An academician is a full-fledged member of the science society that also deals with engineering, literature, art, and politics. Such a profession calls for being a multi-tasker, one who mentors students and shows the right path and also supervise their self-researched publishings to present it to the general public. 

There is a wealth of professions and opportunities related to Physics out there that help you balance yourself for survival and among them are some of the above-mentioned choices. Connect with Landon Schertz to know more about the opportunities in the STEM fields.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.