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With the changing times, many people are going into testing mode. That is why it has become important to know how to use Facebook messenger. Everyone wants to know about the product and event in which they are investing money.


It is your duty to provide relevant content and information to your audience. Without Facebook, using Facebook Messenger will not work. As sometimes, you will need to work through both.


Before you use Facebook Messenger for business, you need to know why it is important. Over 50% of the audience prefers to purchase from sources with whom they can text. Furthermore, most of them prefer texting over calling.

For all these reasons, it is important to be accessible to the business. Use Facebook Messenger to provide answers to your audience. Below, we have mentioned some ways to use Facebook Messenger:


Customer’s Frequently Asked Questions via Automatic Answers. More often, when you have to answer the same or similar questions repeatedly. In this case, we suggest you activate automatic responses.

This step is important to use Facebook messenger effectively. Go to your business’s Facebook profile and click on the INBOX tab. There you will see the option for automatic responses on the left.

Now, you need to know the questions that are commonly asked. To use Facebook Messenger properly, pay attention to the main questions like:

questions to ask

What are the services you provide?

Where is your office located?

What is the warranty period?


How do you provide customer service?

Next, you can customize your answers by adding buttons to access particular answers. Remember to keep your answers simple, update, and check if the links are working twice.

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Send follow up and reminder

When it comes to the business that needs appointments, send a reminder text to your customers. Use Facebook Messenger for this task. When a customer wants to book an appointment, they like the easy options. So, add a Book Now option to your messenger.

After the appointment is booked, send followup text and reminders to your customers. 

Have a conversation with people interested in your event

The next step to use Facebook Messenger for business is to interact with interested people. For this, you should talk with those who have pressed the booking button. Also, talk to people who have shown interest in your event.

You can set Messenger to open directly after a people’s book. When someone books a place, you will get a notification and you can start a conversation. This is the way to use Facebook Messenger effectively and mostly. If you want to grow your business on the Facebook platform. you should buy Facebook page likes

Here is a tip to maximize your conversion. Customize the audience who can see your advertising and booking options. This will help you to get more bookings.


Putting the “Send Message” option on your newsfeed


Have you ever seen the “Send Message” option on the right side of a post? This is basically a great trick to start a conversation with your customer. You cannot use Facebook Messenger for Business to initiate a conversation with your audience. However, you can ask them to do so.

By putting this option, you word the thoughts of your audience. For any question to arise, they get the option to solve it there and then. This way you will be able to use Facebook Messenger without compromising your profile image.

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Advertising on Facebook for interested people

Now, it has become an interesting combo of Facebook and Facebook Messenger. People using Messenger without Facebook can get a one-time opportunity to be sure. However, to improve the chances of the target, you can try to retrieve the ads.

You can search for people who have shown interest in your profile and can retrieve them. This is how you can use Facebook Messenger for Business to maximize conversions. If you want to grow your business from social media services. You should get social media services.  

To retrieve viewers through Messenger, use Facebook’s custom audience feature. Set up sponsored messenger campaigns to automatically target custom audiences.


So, these were five interesting ways in which you can use Facebook Messenger for business and its marketing. To give a tip to start a conversation, as if this is the only chance you have got.

Instead of feeling the same with all online businesses, make your leads successful for more. Use Facebook Messenger to create your first impression so that your leads


Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.