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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

The digital printing on metal sheets is a totally new type of printing equipment specialized in printing on the metal object, which includes metal, iron, copper, brass, bronze, lead, titanium, aluminum and many more, this is done via metal printing machine. Any image which is created with great vivid colors, high resolution, and has transition colors, could be print instantly on to the metal, without any burning, no additional heating, and no endless re-printing. This type of material can be cut into any size according to the requirement, the logos or other information can be monochrome, grayscale, or any other color combination. This revolutionary process is completely safe and environment friendly.

There are various types of such printing equipment available in the market. One of them is the UV Flatbed Printing Machine, this is usually simple to operate, has excellent high quality images, extremely low maintenance cost, can perform any kind of printing and it is also ideal for custom engraving work at low cost. Another popular way of digital printing in metal is by using silver foil sheet which is an inexpensive substitute for expensive engraving plates. It can perform the same function as costly engraving plates but it hardly requires any special care and lasts longer.

Digital printing on metal is comparatively cheaper than the conventional method of printing. The images produced are of excellent quality and most importantly they do not fade away. A single file could be produced from one colour to another by using different methods of printing, e.g. CMYK printing can produce coloured images of any colour with any resolution. After some careful planning of design using the appropriate software, almost any image can be generated from any desired colour combination.

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Amongst all the other advantages of digital printing, one of the foremost benefits that one can get from using silver foil sheets is that it helps to make the final artwork highly customizable. One can use their imagination to come out with some innovative designs, which would be highly eye catching and appealing. This is because the silver foil sheets have unique reflective properties, and they help you come up with highly intricate details and amazing colours. You are sure to get a striking artwork if you choose to engrave the image using the CMYK process. You can do this by using a computer and then pressing the Print button.

Many companies also offer special UV inkjet printing on aluminum statues and plaques. You can avail the complete package which includes the special UV inkjet printing solution, silver ink that is specifically manufactured for use on aluminum surfaces and the bronze and brass plaques with the bronze coating. These UV inkjet printing solutions are capable of printing out fine details, and hence you can get the desired results. You can select from a range of exclusive designs, that are available in metal sheet art form.

You can also avail the bronze plaques with the bronze colour coating, and you can use this if you want to add a touch of glamour and grace to your workplace. The bronze coating makes the trophies look elegant and they are also highly durable and long lasting. If you are looking to get some really unusual looking plaques for your office, then you can consider getting the replicas of some of the world-famous awards. You can find an endless array of replicas of these awards online. All you need to do is select the award that you wish to replicate, along with the measurements of the printing area to the online printer, who will then provide you with the silver or gold plating options that you require. In case you do not have sufficient budget, then you can simply shop for these plaques at the online store, and then you can order them online and have them shipped right at your doorsteps.

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When it comes to the medals that are used for representing the winning athletes at various athletic events around the world, then you must ensure that the trophy looks perfect, and this is why you need to choose the bronze plating option for this purpose. If you wish to get the best-looking bronze plating for your trophies, then all you need to do is choose the design option and then select the material that you wish to have the bronze plating on. Copper, silver or any other metal that has the property to withstand extreme heat, is what you can use for this purpose, along with the dimensions of the printing area for the trophies. After this, you can simply upload your trophy photo into the online store and you can choose the plating option that you want.

If you want some great looking trophies with some distinct personal messages on them, then you should go in for engraving. The engraving can be done via computer aided engraving, or by hand engraving, in case you do not have the appropriate software installed in your system. Whatever option you go with, you will have to ensure that you give the engraving professional a reasonable fee, because the engraving is quite time consuming. Once the engraving is done via computer, you will need to upload the file to the website, and this is where you will give the name of the person who is to receive the trophy, along with the message that you want engraved on it. The design that you have chosen for your trophy will also be affected by the choice of the file needed to be uploaded, so make sure that you go in for a good design company to do the job properly.