• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Have you ever thought how a web server is made? Or you have ever thought of creating your own web server at home? Setting up a web server may sound too much technical, but in reality it’s not that much hard. You just require a few hard-wares and soft-wares, and with the help of that you can set up your own server.

Here are going to provide you a simple guide, with which you can create a website. But before that, let’s have a look at the relevance of web servers for a website. And find out why they are that much important.

Why a good server is important in web hosting?

A server is the basic thing that you require for making your website live. A server uses HTTP and other protocols for responding to the queries of the users. A user can only access your website, when it is placed on a server. So, that’s why a server is important for web hosting.

However, having only a server is not enough. If you want your website to perform well, then you require a good server like a Hostinger server with Cpanel or you can create your own.

The essential things required for making a good web server

Setting up a web hosting server is not that much hard and requires a little effort. But, it may incur huge costs because for making a good web server, it requires good devices. So, here are the essential things that are required for making a good web server:

  • A good hardware: A good hardware device is the basic thing that you require, so that your server can function properly. If you use a bad device then your site may become slow or it may even crash. So choosing a good input device is really crucial. So, if you are planning to create webserver then first find a good PC.
  • A good OS: After choosing the hardware, now you have to decide, using which OS, you will create your web server. Almost 70% of the web servers run on the Linux as it is free and is easily customizable. But you can also choose windows as it is a very good OS however it will require a windows license.
  • Internet Connectivity: Every server requires internet connectivity for making the website live. If your connection is slow then it will take more time in loading your site and vice versa. So, it requires good internet connectivity for making the website load time higher.
  • 24X7 power connectivity: If you want to create a server for your website. Then it is quite obvious that you will allow your users to access the website anytime. And this will require your PC to be always on. And for this you will require 24X7 electricity connectivity.
  • A working domain name: If you have successfully made a server, then it doesn’t means that your site live now. For your site, you will require a particular name and that name is called the domain name. So, you will have to buy a domain name.
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So these were the basic things required for making a good server for webhosting. If you want to purchase a server from a reputed company like Hostinger at cheap prices then you should use Hostinger Coupons for best deal.

Steps for creating your own server at home

If you have arranged all things mentioned above, then now you will have to follow a few steps for making the server. Below are the steps in brief, you can use for making a server:

  1. Find a good PC and install the OS you want. After installation is complete, reboot your PC.
  2. After the rebooting is complete, now you have to enable others to see your site. For this you have to visit the Remote Desk Preference. You can simply visit it by searching in the PC.
  3. After reaching there, you have to allow others to view your desktop. You can also set password there for providing access to limited users.
  4. And the last basic thing is to download FTP. FTP can allow you to transfer the files over the web. After it is downloaded, you have to just simply login to it and configure it.
  5. After FTP is configured, you have to download the HTTP Support. After that you have to connect your servers IP to your internets IP. So, then they can easily communicate with each other. And now your server is ready and you can use it.

So, these were the simple steps by using which you can create a server at your home.