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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

When it comes to house painting, people spend too much time and attention picking the best colours for their interior walls. But, the exterior walls don’t receive that much considerationin the process. If you’re a house owner planning to get the entire house painted, make sure you don’t make the mistake of picking any random colour or design for the exterior walls. For example, wall stencil design looks stunning on interior walls, but it might not be the case with your house exteriors.

If you’re pretty new to the entire home painting thing, and you’ll be looking after the whole process for the first time, we’ve something special to share. To help you choose the right colour for your exterior walls, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of tips that will never let you go wrong. So let’s head straight to the tips shared below.

Consider the Neighbourhood

While getting the house painted is a personal choice, and you would want to pick a colour that goes with your preference, you should not ignore the neighbourhood entirely. In the process of making your house stand out, don’t make it look entirely different that clearly doesn’t fall in place with other homes in the neighbourhood.

For example, a fluorescent coloured house might look good in newly built, vibrant neighbourhoods, but the same can look pretty much out of place in a conservative neighbourhood. Also, be sure all your colour choices are well within the budget. You can use a calculator to evaluate the cost of painting a house for this purpose.

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Take Cue from the Colours of Unpainted Materials

Every house has some unpainted materials with colours of their own. In some cases, it can be a dominant chimney, home bricks, while in others, it can be a wooden door or a combination of these materials. So check what all unpainted yet prominent materials you have in your house, and then pick a colour that will fall in complete harmony with those elements’ natural colours.

Your focus should be on choosing a colour that complements your house’s existing setting. Consider getting the walls painted with dual colours if you’re in for some experimentation. It will give you more room to choose colours freely.

Borrow Colour Clues from Nature

A quick look around will expose you to a variety of colour clues. For example, if you live in a neighbourhood with a green landscape, a quick look at the trees can give you an idea of an earthy palette of beautiful browns and greens. Anyone living near the beach can consider getting the exteriors painted with a combination of turquoises and blues and even the vivid pink shades that seamlessly blend with the outer surrounding. So if you’re clueless about colour inspirations, a walk around your neighbourhood will solve the problem.

If you cannot get good colour inspirations even after following these steps, take the help of professional colour experts. They’re pro at this job and won’t leave you disappointed.