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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Moving to Chennai is going to be one of the best decisions you make in your life. This vibrant city which is now emerging as a tech hub is home to a rich and energetic culture, incredible cuisine, and friendly people. So, of course, it’s a city that sees many migrants landing on its shores every year, all of them looking for a place to stay. And Chennai delivers that in spades, with hundreds of hostels and PGs cropping up in every neighborhood. The real challenge is to separate the wheat from the chaff and find a ladies hostel in Chennai that’s actually perfect for you. And thanks to the internet, this is a lot easier than it sounds. You can easily do a preliminary search online and shortlist a few hostels before you make a decision. But once you’ve got your choices in hand, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each in order to get the clearest picture. That’s where we can help. We’ve got a list of questions that you can ask your warden before you choose a hostel in Chennai.

How many people share the washroom and how often is it cleaned?

When you’re living in a hostel, you have to reconcile yourself to the fact that the days of enjoying a private washroom to yourself are over. Now you get to experience the wonders of shared bathing stalls and communal toilets. So, it’s important to clarify exactly how many people you’ll be sharing with. This will impact the presence of queues in the washroom or whether you’ll need to wake up super early to get ready in the morning. It’s also super important to ask about the cleaning schedule. With that many people sharing a washroom, hygiene and cleanliness is super important. So, make sure that your warden has a regular and efficient cleaning schedule in place and talk to some residents to verify the same.

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What are the house rules to follow?

Each hostel will have some rules and protocols that you’re expected to follow. Whether it’s about preventing permanent modifications to your rooms or restricting the number of visitors you can receive, you need to ensure that you know the rules before you move in. The last thing you want is to accidentally break a rule and have a deduction made from your security deposit. If there are items and appliances that you’re not allowed to keep in your room, or if there are particular timings for the use of common areas, it’s important to know about them beforehand. If you’re not comfortable with the rules that a hostel has, you can always look at other options.

What are the meal timings?

Your hostel might say that it serves four meals a day on paper, but it’s important to know about the exact timings during which meals are served. You’ll need to cross-check the breakfast and lunch timings with your schedule in one of the top engineering colleges in Chennai as you don’t want to be missing your meals on a daily basis. If the timings overlap, ask your warden if there is a provision to take your food with you on the go or have it saved for you when you return. Make sure that you also ask about the type of food that is usually served, and if you could try a sample meal before moving in.

These are some of the most important questions that you need to ask your warden before you choose a hostel in Chennai. We hope they help you make an informed decision.