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For every product on the market, there is typically a cheap version and an affordable version.

A company will launch a new product that soars with sales and becomes a hot ticket item that is all the rave.

Other companies will try to achieve the same success or more by offering the same product but spun a little differently so they look more appealing.

The most common way that companies will try to get you to buy their product is by reducing the price significantly, but in order to do this, they also compromise with its quality.

Then all of a sudden you hear words like, “well, you get what you pay for…” which typically means, you buy cheap, you get cheap.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of those digital marketing services that is becoming mainstream with businesses because of its success rate.

In this article, we have listed a few tips to help you decide between cheap SEO and affordable SEO services.

Don’t Get Excited by the Cheap Prices and Exaggerated  SEO Service Promises

You must have seen “Lose Weight Fast!” gimmick, similarly, various companies will try to sell you “SEO Cheap!” with unrealistic claims. It is always tempting that we want to see results fast.

SEO is not a get-results-quick process, which some SEO companies try to flaunt. Good quality SEO services take diligent and stringent research to build an effective strategy designed for your business’s specific goals.

A credible Digital Marketing company will offer affordable SEO service. They should assist you in creating affordable SEO packages that are tailored as per your business’s requirements.

In this article, we will try to help you to make the best decision for your company by exploring affordable SEO services vs. cheap SEO.

SEO Campaigns should be based on Strategy and Smart Use of Tactics

Each business has his its unique offerings and demographics of their customers

A reputable SEO company provides affordable services while considering all of these factors as they pertain specifically to your business, then implementing it into their research and data analysis. This sets the SEO campaign off in the right direction per your business needs.

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A cheap SEO company may not even ask what your goals are. They typically utilize a one-size-fits-all method, throwing your campaign into an automated formula that will spit out a non-customized approach.

We both know you deserve better than the “fingers are crossed, I hope this works” tactic.

You want to feel secure in your chosen SEO company’s approach to increase your online presence, to drive quality traffic to your website with high conversion rates.

Protect Your Online Reputation

In an effort to make good on their “get results fast” promise, cheap SEO service providers might cut corners and ignore SEO’s best practices. This may cause major issues for your online reputation with Google.

If White- Hat SEO  practices are not followed then your website could be at risk for getting red-flagged by Google. Keyword stuffing and various other manipulation tactics if implemented to get the quick results always backfire.

Websites that are written with the keywords in mind will end up having poor quality and unnatural content, which is a huge turn off for users.

You will get the High Bounce rate as the end result. Your prospect clients can see through a spammy website that is trying too hard to get to the top of the result list.

A Credible Digital Marketing Agency Stay Updated the Latest SEO Strategies

In an attempt to prevent black hat schemes, Google is constantly changing its algorithms to evaluate good quality, relevant and credible websites that come at the top of the results. This is what their users want: relevant search results for their query.

A professional SEO company will take the time and effort to stay updated on all the latest Google Updates along with best practices that are going on in the digital marketing domain.

latest SEO Strategies

Increased Traffic with Quality Leads

When search engine optimization is integrated into your website, within 6-12 months you will notice an increase in organic traffic

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Website Analytics helps you see what advertising avenues are most profitable for you: social media advertising or engagement, optimized content on your website, videos, etc.

Notice the word profitable, which is the key. You may see a jump in traffic to your website through various channels, but how much revenue can be attributed to it?

You should keep a track of how many users clicked on the “contact us”, “call today”, or “subscribe now” button? These are crucial statistics that will measure the success of your SEO campaign.

These statistics will enable you and your SEO team to improve where your advertising efforts are focused.

Not all Website Traffic is good Traffic

Cheap SEO services will only look at the numbers, the quantity, not the quality of the traffic coming on your website. If you are investing your time and resources into digital marketing services with the goal to increase your revenue then traffic with no action will not help you at all.

They use the one-size approach, meaning your website will more than likely land on result pages that are not completely relevant to the end user’s search. Such practices will ultimately hurt your rankings.

The goal of implementing SEO campaigns into a company’s marketing strategy is to increase quality leads and sales, receiving a high return on investment.

all Website Traffic is good Traffic

Valuable Website Content vs. Fluff Content

Another strategy of search engine optimization is to have good quality content on your website. Content on your web pages needs to be written according to a specific strategy which includes integrating the primary keywords your prospective clients are typing into the search bar to find the products or services which you offer.

To improve your rankings on Google, produce content that is valuable and relevant to your target market. Content writing is a crucial service that an affordable SEO company will strategize with you.

Depending upon how rigorous you want to drive your digital marketing strategies, the results you want, and, the cost of the package – the frequency and length of the content can be adjusted.

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Blogs and video content are incredibly popular with website visitors who are looking for tips, a how-to, or even to get to know your company better. Valuable content posted on your website is also crucial for building trust with your clients by building your reputation.

Importance of Content Marketing Services

It is a well-known fact that content is vital for a thriving website, there are various companies that offer content writing services for a cheap price.

Content that is well-written with useful and accurate information is highly effective to help your site rank higher on Google.

Authoritative content writing often comes as a part of an additional service with an affordable SEO package.

A cheap SEO service will tend to stuff keywords into the headers and in the content body without any substance or providing resourceful information. This is a huge turn off to both customers and Google, thus it will provide you the opposite outcome you were paying for.

You should hire an affordable SEO company that will take your goals and mission seriously to produce the content that you will be proud to share on social media and post on your site.

Where can I Find the Right Digital Marketing Agency and What to do Next?

For long-term results, use a Digital marketing agency that offers an affordable SEO package that is custom to your needs. You can reach out to us for Free Strategy Session to discuss your business marketing requirements

Let us know if this article was helpful in your search for the right SEO company to get you going on a digital marketing campaign.

They can also handle the management and development of your SEO campaign to ensure you get the results you want at an affordable price.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.