• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Throwing contact lenses like dice is like taking a shower or a healthy sleep for the eyes. How bad is it really? It may not be healthy to identify all the habits and behaviors you have heard about. Raise your hand if you already have contact lenses or have thrown them in the bathroom. Guilty! You belong to a large group: almost all people who wear contact lenses have at least one dangerous habit.

Eye spectacles are suitable in any case to keep your eye number stable whether it’s myopia or hyperopia. You just need eyeglass adjustment pliers to fix your specs whether you have to manage 1000 tasks if you are having contact lenses. Keeping contact lenses in your eyes at all times, even while sleeping and showering, can have minor or very serious consequences.

3 things that can happen if you don’t take a break from your goal

  1. Your eyes may feel painful and itchy
  • If you’ve ever lost your contact lenses, your eyes will likely look dry when you wake up.
  • In general, sleeping with contact lenses can lead to unpleasant side effects like red, watery, or sore eyes. These types of signs generally disappear when the lenses are removed.
  1. Your vision may be blurred or dimed

Other side effects of closing your eyes while wearing contact lenses go beyond the temporary feeling of discomfort. “If you sleep with glasses or wear a lot of glasses, you won’t produce as many tears until the contact lenses are dry and the cornea doesn’t get the oxygen it needs.

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This lack of oxygen is called hypoxia. This causes the cornea to swell and you may notice that your vision is blurry.

  1. A serious eye infection may wreck your eyes

The risk of infection increases if you sleep or shower with contact lenses; for example, it increases 6 to 8 times while you sleep, according to the CDC. Sleeping with contact lenses creates a dry, oxygen-free environment that makes it easy for bacteria to collect and spread. Bacteria on the cornea cause corneal ulcers, an infection called keratitis.

Signs of an eye infection

If you’ve ever had an eye infection, you usually meet. Common symptoms are:

  • Sensitivity to light
  • pain
  • Red eyes

If you have any of these symptoms, the first step is to remove your contact lenses.

What if you shower with contact lenses?

Open your eyes in the shower and your lenses will be exposed to all kinds of unwanted microorganisms. “Bacteria, amoebas and fungi are suspended in the water around us. This is especially true of tap water. If contact lenses hit the water, they can change their shape or even stick to the eye, according to the CDC. This can cause scratches and minor damage to the cornea, providing an entry point for germs.

What if you have to wear contact lenses near water?

Some people have severely impaired vision, which is so severe that it is almost impossible to shower without contact lenses. “When you must do this, keep your eyes closed in the water. And when it comes to the pool or hot tub, wear goggles to protect your covered eyes from contact.”

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Your ophthalmologist may prefer that you never shower or sleep with your contact lenses in, but things do. Maybe you had an unexpected night or had to wiggle your feet in the shower. There is no reason to panic.


Disposed of them or cleansed properly: If it is a daily wear lens, discard it and replace it with a new pair. Or follow your regular cleaning routine for longer-lasting lenses If you suspect a contact lens infection after sleeping or showering, keep your contact lenses as disposable items as well. Then you can take them to the eye doctors in St George Utah, who can locate the pathogen with contact lenses, he says.

Take care of your Contact Lenses – try to replace them every three months

Use Solution to keep them moist: “Never use tap water because we know that tap water is not the cleanest”. We hope you never wet your contact lenses with saliva again. Keep solution always in your medical tool kit while traveling.

Don’t skip the use of solution: Do not refill the solution into the contact lens case after inserting the contact lens, discard the solution and rinse the case with another solution.

Make a schedule if you have a passion to use contact lenses: If you wear contact lenses every day, get rid of them at the end of the day. If you wear the lenses for two weeks, do not wear them for the third week. Replace according to the scheduled schedule available for the lens.