• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Pest control and removal have become more necessary than ever. Spiders, termites, and cockroaches, damage your furniture as well as pose a threat to your health.

The most effective way to deal with this problem is by hiring a professional pest exterminator service for your home. However, prior to hiring a service, there are certain tips and tricks you can do on your own for pest control.

Read the top 5 tips for pest removal and control to keep your home safe from pest infestation. Stay tuned till the end.

Top 5 Most Important Pest Control Tips

1.   Make sure your kitchen is always clean

Pests need a dirty and damp habitat to survive. In order to prevent any kind of pest infestation, make sure your kitchen countertops, stoves, floors, and cabinets remain dry and clean. Invest in a good quality cleaning liquid and frequently wipe your countertops.

Make sure no leftover food or its particles remain lying anywhere in the kitchen; this will simply invite more pests into your kitchen.

Doing this may not completely eliminate the pest problem, however, it will significantly reduce the intensity of the pest infestation in your home. Honestly, cleaning your kitchen is a major solution to the pest problem.

 2. Make sure your bathrooms are clean and sanitized

When it comes to preventing pest infestation tips and tricks, the cleanliness of the bathrooms is neglected. The cleanliness rules that apply to your kitchen should be followed for your bathrooms as well. Invest in good quality toilet disinfectants and cleaners.

Make sure your basin is washed twice a week with a proper cleaning liquid. If you use shower curtains, make sure they remain dry. You must also take care of clogged toilets; remove any hair or other particles.

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These small tips will go a long way in maintaining a hygienic environment in your home and will consequently prevent any pest infestation.

3. Never leave water standing in your home anywhere

Mosquito infestation is one of the biggest pest infestations that people face. Mosquitoes thrive on standing water. Make sure you keep all areas in your home dry. Come up with a proper drainage system especially outside your home so that dirty water does not remain standing.

Water-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria can easily be prevented by removing stagnant water. If you have appliances that drip water, never leave a standing bucket below it, regularly drain it. Instead, come up with other ways to drain water, such as installing a proper pipe system.

 4.Items for outside must be kept out of the house

If you live on a property that has a lawn, then make sure that all the gardening items such as the lawnmower, shoes, clothes, and other gardening essentials are kept outside the main house. Never use these items for indoor use. After you are done using the items, wipe them clean and store them in a dry place.

If you bring gardening items inside your home, you will be inviting pests inside. This rule also applies to other items such as toy cars, cycles, etc. Keep a separate area in your garage reserved for storage of these items. Never make the mistake of mixing outdoor furniture with indoor items.

5. Make sure that the nets on your windows are fixed

This has to be the most important tip when it comes to preventing pest infestation. The nets on all your windows should be intact so that house flies, spiders, and mosquitoes find no opening to come inside the house.

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Fixing the nets will not only control pests but would also prove to be effective for proper ventilation. So, if there are any damaged window nets, broken glass, get them repaired as soon as possible. Moreover, inspect all the doors in your home to see if there are any openings.

It is important that you take all the necessary measures to pest-proof your house.

What are the benefits of hiring professional pest control services?

Even though the above house tips will prove to be effective for pest control and removal, if the situation gets out of control, you may need to hire a professional.

There are two main benefits of doing this:

1.   Professionals do a thorough job

The main benefit of hiring a professional pest control service is that they treat your house with expertise and experience.

Professionals would spray your house with effective pesticides, insecticides, disinfectants, and other treatment chemicals that will remain effective for the long term. They would know the exact amongst that should be used for the complete pest removal from your home.

If you are planning to do a DIY pest control spray, make sure you invest in personal protective equipment and gear so that your health is not compromised.

2.   Cost-Effective

Professional pest control services prove to be cost-effective in the long run.