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WordPress is a popular blog used for personal and business reasons. The WordPress plugins described in this article are designed to assist you in optimization, customization, and enhancements for your readers. 

Here is a list of my top 18 WordPress plugins that can make your website even better.

1) All in One SEO Pack

We all know how important SEO is. Without SEO your site will never be found unless you plan on dumping several wheelbarrows full of cash into Pay-Per-Click. 

If you properly optimize your site you can expect to rank better in search engines, which will bring you free traffic while you sleep! The All in One SEO Pack makes WordPress more SEO-friendly by letting you define custom META titles, descriptions, and keywords for each page and post.

You can also use tools like Semrush and Ahrefs to rank higher on search engines. Here is an in-depth comparison of both the tools – Semrush vs Ahrefs

2) Fancy box

Everything’s better when it’s fancy. Fancybox is a fancy little plugin that allows your images to appear in an animated frame behind a shaded screen, instead of just popping up in a new window, which is always obnoxious. 

The program allows for several customization options such as animation behaviors, frame appearance, and uninstall…which you will never want to do.

3) Google XML Sitemaps

Since Google is the supreme ruler of the galaxy, it is important that you make them aware of all of your site pages lest they smite you right out of the SERPs. 

Google XML Sitemaps lets you do this easily by automatically generating a new sitemap every time you update your site by adding a new post or page. Not only that, but it will actually submit it to Google for you!

4) Contact Form 7

You want your visitors to contact you. This way they can tell you how awesome you are and possibly give you money. Contact Form 7 makes this easy by allowing you to generate several contact forms and drop them across your WordPress site with little code snippets. Now you can beg for donations everywhere!

5) Socialize

I am – like everyone else who can spell “Facebook” – a social media expert, so trust me when I say that you need to install the Socialize plugin. 

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This plugin lets you automatically add a share button to your blogs and pages so that if a user wants to share your article, they can do it without any hassle. Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and tons of other social media sites that no one will remember in five years (MySpace) are all included. Just click and share!

6) NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery makes it simple to upload images and then build galleries out of them. You can build as many galleries as your hosting account’s storage system can stomach and then drop them into posts and pages with just a click of a cute little icon in the WYSIWYG editor.

7) Akismet WordPress Plugin

This plugin is so awesome that it actually comes WITH WordPress! You can’t get a better reference than that! Akismet is a spam filtering plugin that does a good job of detecting spam comments when they are submitted to your posts. 

Never again will you visit your own blog and see an eloquent comment on one of your posts such as “This post is good I like. It is so important I will visit again for a happy time!” by someone named Get Rich Viagra Lottery.

8) Revision Diet

If you are like me then this plugin is essential! I will write a post and save it, read it and then save it, read it again, and so on. 

If I am not careful then I can have dozens of versions of each post, which rapidly fill my database. This post just gets rid of all of those extra versions of the post that you don’t need.

9) WordPress.com Popular Posts

I do not like just linking to recent posts on my side navigation, I prefer to link to the most popular posts. These are posts that people are reading more than other posts and therefore, are more likely to be interesting to other readers.

10) WordPress.com Stats

Needed in order to run WordPress.com Popular Posts, but it also collects a load of important traffic data and displays it in real-time. Even if you use Google Analytics, it is a good idea to have a second tracking tool for when the traffic stats look funny (plus, it can exclude your own views!).

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You can also use an external tool like Semrush to get an overview of your traffic and your competitor’s traffic. Here is how you can activate the Semrush free trial.

11) WordPress Database Backup

Every blog must be backed up and this does the job. What would happen if you accidentally deleted something or found that your blog had been hacked and had to rebuild it? This tool emails you a backup at whatever frequency you want it to.

12) WP Captcha Free

Akismet is great, but it still leaves you having to check that the spam comments are spam and the real comments are real. Well, this plugin all but cut out comment spam on my blogs by timestamping the form when it is first collected. 

13) Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Another great plugin for traffic and simple to install. If a reader has made it to the bottom of the post and probably taken it all in, then give them some similar posts to read next. This makes your site ‘stickier’.

14) Feedsmith

This is a great plugin for your blog which allows you to easily track feeds for your blog and receive reports that are accurate and helpful.

This can help you in determining which access points are most useful to you, which are not working as well, and give you the opportunity to take action. Feedsmith will automatically redirect people to your feed no matter how they initially access it in the first place.

15) WP Smush. it

Most of the time, the images you upload to your blog can be optimized further for the web.

However, it is a tedious job to do every time you upload a new image. WP Smush.it will automatically optimize the images you upload and you also get an option to optimize all the previously uploaded images. 

This plugin will decrease the size of your images substantially while still maintaining the quality.

16) WP Review

If you are into writing reviews and creating product review sites, you will especially love this plugin. It is our very own, easy-to-use Review plugin that can be used to turn any theme or website into a full-fledged review site.

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17) Cube Points

There’s something about accumulating points that make us feel useful, needed, important or whatever value we ascribe to it.

Cube points let your members earn points for completing certain actions like logging in every day, commenting on posts, contributing content, or being active on a forum (this last one takes a bit of work but can be done).

What do they do with the points? That’s all up to you. Allowing members to purchase different modules of your membership site or upgrade to a higher level for that month is a great way to keep them inside. 

You can even let members exchange them for products outside of the membership or coaching time. Either way, you expose them to more of your content and get used to buying from you whether with cash or not.

18) Customize Your Community

There are many plugins that claim to let you customize your WordPress login screen but Customize Your Community or CYC for short doesn’t just change the WordPress logo and colors on the login screen.

It actually uses your theme. Best of all, it does the same thing with members’ profile screens too.


Of course, there are hundreds of more plugins available for WordPress. That’s one of the things that makes it a great blogging platform. Many of these plugins are very useful for specific needs.

Don’t overload your website with too many plugins. Only have those that will be helpful to you. Excessive plugins can have a bad impact on your website and also slows down your site massively.


WordPress Plugin


I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily.

Check my viral meme content on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/marketingsavior_/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubhamchopra99

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Marketingsavior/

Website – https://marketingsavior.com/

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.