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WordPress is a widely used platform for popular businesses across the world. It is simple to use, reliable, and has various marketing tools for boosting dynamic growth and success. However, contrary to popular belief, WordPress is not constricted to blogs alone; it can be effectively used to build functional websites that attract consistent inbound traffic and help you grab the competitive edge in the market effectively.

3 Reasons why small businesses should use a WordPress Website?

As a small business owner, you should choose WordPress because of-

  1. Diverse custom WP Themes- WordPress offers your small business several customized themes ideal for your industry niche. You can search for them on the official website of WordPress and other esteemed portals online.
  2. Functionality- WordPress offers small business owners’ multiple paid and free plugins for search engine optimization, building contact forms, security, etc. If you are not tech-savvy, you can optimize these plugins for better visibility and inbound traffic.
  3. Mobile responsiveness- 2018 saw a surge in the use of web traffic on mobile devices. Business owners should ensure their websites are mobile responsive to cater to this trend. With WordPress, you do not need to upgrade your website as it is mobile responsive already.


Choose from a wide array of WordPress SEO Plugins

As mentioned above, WordPress offers you several plugins to enhance business functionality and effective performance. Search engine optimization is crucial for small business owners to attract targeted inbound traffic and boost sales.

Keeping the above in mind, WordPress gives you top-quality plugins for SEO that can be easily installed in a few minutes. You do not need technical knowledge nor have to hire WordPress developers for the task.


Development of the WP Engine & tips to boost website growth

WordPress is an open-source platform with a global developer community. There is always a team of dedicated and skilled experts working on WordPress plugin development round the clock across the world. Experts here help you with small to complex problems. When it comes to boosting the performance of your WordPress website, they generally recommend the following top 10 tips-

  1. Focus on the SEO of your website.
  2. Create a Contact Form so that customers can reach out to you.
  3. Choose a functional theme that fits your business niche.
  4. Clean spam comments.
  5. Boost social sharing by using plugins for the same.
  6. Create useful custom landing pages for your site.
  7. Schedule regular backups to avoid data loss.
  8. Ask the WordPress community for queries and problems.
  9. Create your business blog and newsletter.
  10. Track your website performance analytics.


WordPress hosting server is pocket-friendly for any small business

One of the biggest concerns for small business owners is their budget. Building the perfect website needs proper planning, and if you are not careful, you might land up with a poorly built site. This costs your company dear, and you will see a download spiral in no time. However, WordPress is free and great for small and new businesses. You can, later on, amplify its features and functionality as your business grows.

WordPress is one of the best content management systems for any business

As a small business owner, you need to ensure you post valuable content to attract customers regularly. Blog posts and web pages should be updated frequently. The CMS platform of WordPress helps you in this regard. It is convenient and super simple for you to use.

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WordPress operations are seamless and hassle-free

WordPress theme development is relatively easy, and you need no coding knowledge for the same. Like WP plugins, you can choose the theme that matches your business niche. There are both free and paid themes for you to choose from.

Bring your small business into the limelight with WordPress Plugins for SEO

The benefits of WordPress SEO plugins are they-

  • Optimize your small business site for keywords.
  • Improve the readability of your posts.
  • Automatically updates for Google algorithms every 15 days.
  • Resolve several SEO issues.
  • Check your site for duplicate content.


One popular and credible SEO WP plugin is SEO Yoast. This plugin can be installed on your website easily. WordPress offers you widgets to automate the SEO of your site, track its statistics and data. You can use the SEO Yoast widget-

  • To set up the XML map for search engines.
  • Keep duplicate content at bay.
  • Write content for meta tags and meta titles.


Take help from the WordPress community

The friendly community of qualified and skilled WP developers helps you with suggestions for WordPress Development Services. If you have problems with your website, you can talk to them on the public forum to solve the problem. Experienced WP developers sum up by saying-

  • WordPress offers you value for money. You need to pay for web hosting. Once set, you are good to start using the site for your business.
  • WordPress has been developed so that you can publish it from any place you want to at any time. Just install a mobile app for the task. WordPress offers you a suite of functional mobile apps to publish a webpage or blog when on the move.
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Therefore, for a small business, a WordPress Website is not only affordable, but it helps you to reach out to the targeted audience better. Choosing WordPress for a small business is a smart step for consistent company growth and success. Over time you can boost brand visibility and gain a strategic edge in the market too.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.