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X-ray diffraction analysis is a highly effective and useful technique in pharmaceutical practices. There are plenty of ways that these techniques can be applied in order to help the process of research and development within pharma care, and through the application of these methods, X-ray diffraction can bring a lot of good into the world.

What is X-Ray Diffraction and How is it Applied to Pharma

To understand exactly how X-ray diffraction is applied to pharma research and analysis, you will first need to understand what X-ray diffraction is. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, essentially a more energy-dense form of light. Because of its increased energy levels, X-rays can penetrate a lot of softer materials, such as flesh and muscle, which allows them to be used in a lot of interesting ways.

One of the ways that X-rays can be used to analyze things is through diffraction, which is an interesting effect observed in science. Essentially, because different forms of electromagnetic radiation have different energy levels, they react differently when they pass through an object or opening. This is what causes rainbows to form when light passes through the water since each color of light has a different energy level. However, since scientists know the energy levels of X-rays, they can use machines from companies like malvernpanalytical.com to determine the properties of an object, such as a crystal, the X-rays have passed through based on the scattering of X-rays that passed through the object.

Non-Destructive Testing

One of the main reasons that X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis is so beneficial to Pharma is that it allows the analysis of samples without actually damaging the tested sample. This is callednon-destructive testing and is majorly useful in science since many forms of analysis need you to damage or alter the substance you are working within the process of the analysis. However, since the basis of XRD analysis is to simply allow the X-rays to pass through the substance and record the scattering, there is no harm done to the sample.

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Understanding the Consistency of Samples

Another benefit of using XRD for pharmaceutical studies is that it can help to identify the consistency of samples, which can be majorly helpful in determining whether a sample is pure or whether there are variations in the sample.

Characterization of Materials

What’s more, XRD can be incredibly helpful in the characterization of a material, which helps analysts to determine the structure and properties of a substance. Further, this could help to fully identify a material based off of the properties determined through XRD.

Crystal Structure Analysis

Finally, one of the best ways that XRD can be used is in the analysis of the structure and purity of crystals. This is important because impurities or changes in the structure of pharmaceutical crystals can cause a lot of damage if they are not caught properly. After all, you want to know exactly what is going into your body with.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.