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Projects in a controlled environment or PRINCE2 is a complete and globally accepted advanced-level project management certification in the world. This certification is administered and managed by AXELOS. In this article, we will discuss the 10 must-know facts about PRINCE2 Agile certification.

How has PRINCE2 Agile certification helped businesses to grow?

This certification accommodates every need of a modern project management environment. It includes Kanban as well as Agile, which have become the most capable methodology that has changed the project industry domain wholesomely. Many businesses who practice Prince2 Agile have seen considerable changes in dealing with complex requirements of stakeholders and meeting the customer expectations by having a competitive edge over their competitions. The certification helps professionals to align these complex requirements with the strict business justifications with flexibility and enough room for change management.

Why gain a PRINCE2 Agile certification?

Collaboration and communication are the common parks germinated out of globalization. Outsourcing has become more prevalent and an easier option for businesses ranging from small scale to large scale. This is also reduced multiple stuff and there upskill cost. a PRINCE2 a child certification helps professional 2 faster reach benefit realization and holistically have greater control over their prospects as well as their stuff. There are several stages involved in project management. With the PRINCE2 Agile certification, one can collaborate and empower the project designs, common project chatters, and stakeholder management by effectively utilizing the styles, methodologies, and best practices recorded by the PRINCE2 Agile certification guide.

The intricacies of the certification.

To become a PRINCE2 Agile certification Holder professional applicant, have to complete the PRINCE2 certification pathway as PRINCE2 Agile certification is an extension of the basics. This certification combines the control of PRINCE2 with the agility of Agile. The training for this certification lasts for three days. The exam duration is of 2.5 hours and contains 50 questions at both the certification level. To successfully pass the foundational level certification, applicants to score 55%, while in the case of the practitioner level, the applicant has to score 60%.

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It is holistically designed.

The Prince2 Agile certification covers scrum, Kanban, cynefin, and lean startup in detail. A practitioner with PRINCE2 Agile certification can incorporate all the learnings from the above methodologies and domain into the project environment.

It contains the four principal areas lean and flow-based approaches, iterative and timeboxed, and the project focused and standalone techniques that are user stories.

It embraces pragmatism.

The PRINCE2 Agile book of knowledge consists of behavior, tailoring, combining the best practices of Prince 2 and Agile, giving control, giving good governance, and maintaining overall flexibility by embracing the pragmatism in the project environment.

What is the secret of a great project manager?

Managerial traits do impact heavily in projects, and with this certification, you learn the human angle you need to successfully complete the projects. As 77.8% of the work of a Project Manager constitutes of Communication, this certification focuses mainly on improving and making the professional improvise communication as per their needs and contingencies.

The certification also lends effective knowledge in Time and resource management as this is the topmost distractor and motivator in project management.

It makes you compatible with problems.

It helps you to be a great problem solver by enhancing your tailoring capabilities in knowledge areas such as gather data, planning implementation, analyzing data, identifying problems, selecting a solution, and continual improvement.

It makes you an expert in finding the potentials.

This certification works wonders for project managers in reading between the lines and finding great fitment for teams by enhanced knowledge of demography. You are well aware of a high performing team and can synthesize one by the prowess you achieve through this certification. You can curate the actions, behaviors, and build a relationship with your team easily after completing this certification.

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You acquire a coaching mindset!

 As a servant leader, you know your strategies well. This certification makes you well acquainted with the air of the room and helps you to develop a coaching mindset to develop growth. The reward approach you learn from it helps you gain the trust of your team and makes them a fan of you. You cultivate a sense of positive competition in your team where each one is learning from everyone, making you a master of all.

You hone your leadership style with this certification.

With this certification, professionals have shifted from a still mindset to a growth mindset where they have understood the importance of 4Cs; collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.