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Do you know that a woman in China has the record of having the longest eyelashes in the whole world? The record is for 4 inches of eyelashes, that’s 12.40 cm, quite long, isn’t it?

You might not want to set a world record for yourself, but I am sure you want your lashes which are long in a way that makes you look feminine and attractive.

Of course, due to the demand of long and thick lashes, many quick fixes let you enjoy the benefits of long and thick lashes such as fake lashes and eyelash extensions. There are many types of different make-up products that can make your eyelashes look longer, darker, and thicker such as mascara. Even in olden days, kohl was used for darkening the eyelashes, and the first kind of mascara sold was a mixture of Vaseline and coal.

Since ancient days, long, dark and thick eyelashes have been a symbol of feminine beauty and such lashes are desired by women across the whole world.

Some people are blessed with long and thick lashes genetically, but even then our current lifestyle does not give enough nutrients to our bodies, in that case, we need to give some external help to our body to grow long and luscious eyelashes.

Careprost Eyelash Growth Serum is one of the most popular and effective solutions for growing your lashes, sure there are other ways to grow lashes, but this one comes with the assured guarantee of results.

It contains a solution known as Bimatoprost, which was at first specifically developed to treat glaucoma, but while they were testing it, people reported a strange side-effect of this solution. It works well on treating glaucoma no doubt, but it makes the eyelashes grow thicker, longer, and darker.

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Good vision and beautiful lashes in one go make it a great product for sure, thus Bimatoprost solution was introduced in the market for the cosmetic purpose of growing beautiful lashes.

The brand name was Latisse and it was widely used for enhancing the growth of the eyelashes, but it is extremely expensive, and being a cosmetic product, buying it at a very heavy price was not justifiable.

Careprost is often known as generic Latisse; both these solutions have 0.03% of Bimatoprost solution and are filled with its eyelash growth enhancing properties. If you want to try quicker ways to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles you can also go for Allergan Botox treatments.

How does Careprost Bimatoprost Solution help in the growing the length of the eyelashes?

Let’s say you Careprost Eyelash Growth Serum and you apply it on your eyelashes religiously for a month or around four weeks, you will start seeing the growth by the beginning of the third week, you will also notice that your lashes are growing thicker and darker than before.

Within 4 to 5 weeks, you will have long and beautiful lashes; you can stop using the Careprost solution after this if you are satisfied with your lash length. Even after you stop using this solution, your lashes will grow in long, dark, and thick for 6 weeks to 1 month. This is because the Bimatoprost solution gets absorbed in the roots of your lashes when it is applied to them daily. And we all know that healthy and strong hair follicles or hair roots give healthy and strong eyelashes.

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Is Using Careprost eyelash Growth Serum Tiresome and Time-Consuming?

Of course not, we know how busy our lives are and we cannot spend too much time on anything even if it makes us more attractive and pretty

Applying Careprost Eyelash Growth Serum is a piece of cake, you merely have to unscrew the bottle and apply a drop of the solution to both of your upper eyelashes. You can apply the solution with the applicator brush that comes with it or even a clean mascara brush, or Q-tips or cotton buds, make sure to never reuse the Q-tips at all.

The solution will be better absorbed in the roots of your hair follicle if you apply it at night, but if any other time of the day is good for you, then, by all means, apply it as per your convenience. Just rest your eyes for at least five minutes after applying this solution to your lashes. Buy beauty product from the most trusted online pharmacy meds4care.com


It’s easy enough, and won’t take any more than a few minutes of your day, and we can all do that much for beauty.

You can get this eyelash enhancing solution from your local pharmacy and you can even buy Careprost from online stores that give exciting deals and offers for you. Make sure to check reviews and the various stories of people who have used this solution and achieved their goals of having feminine, thick, and long eyelashes. Apart from beautifying your eyes, long lashes prevent your eyes from infections; it keeps dust and other such particles away. It makes much sense to grow something that protects your eyes and even makes you look more beautiful at the same time!

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Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.