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Ageing is the reality of life that no one can change. As children, we have seen our grandparents grow old irrespective of the fact that they require special care and attention. However, as we turn to adulthood and witness the changing age of our parents, we understand that our ageing parents require a lot of help, support, and home care service. Although we try to give the utmost comfort and care, there are times when we cannot be physically present. Our jobs, family commitments, outstation holidays or overseas work requirements keep us entangled so much that looking after the elderly persons at home becomes impossible. Besides, there are times when the situation becomes so fatal that the elder people might need us, but we cannot hold them in the worst moments.

Such situations not only leave everyone in the household worried but also becomes a nightmare. The stress peeps in when you think of maintaining a balance. However, the reality is that as a son or daughter you cannot devote 24 x 7 days of your life with your old, ailing parents due to commitments related to career, family, and more. Thanks to the advancement in technology, you can stay connected with them virtually as well and share your joys and sorrows. But when it comes to taking care of them when they are ill, bed-ridden, require post-surgery support, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease,  and more. These are bigger concerns, at times the issues are minute but may appear as bigger hurdles for elders.

How to take care of elderly persons in your family?

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The question that now pops up is how to take care of ageing, grey-haired members of our families when staying with them every time is difficult. Well, to sort out these problems, Emoha has emerged as one of the most comprehensive elder’s home care services providers including the country’s first ‘’elder only’’ emergency service provider.

How does Emoha helps in taking care of elders?

Emoha offers world-class premium elder care practices while involving smart technologies. A large number of services for elders such as health, convenience, safety, emergency, and events and activities with opportunities to learn and earn is something being witnessed as altogether a new approach to take care of older members of our family.  Emoha has successfully created a connected community of elders who are taken care of by the carers in various realms of life. Not only the life of elders is made safe, secure, energized and simple, but their every want and concern is responded with positive actions including home health care as well as nursing care service at home.

Whether it is the housekeeping, medical care, support services, ambulance service, emergency medical aid, regular health check-ups, home safety, doctor’s visit at home, dietician, access to nurses or attendants,  and other such nursing care services at home, Emoha is dedicated to making the life of elders simplified as well as energised. Apart from these major services of health care at home, elders need not worry about the maintenance of the house, repairs, daily needs, grocery, medicines, laundry, cleaning, financial planning, tax returns, driving, clearing bills, etc. as these daily tasks are being handled by the Emoha’s team members. Check out aged care home in Prahran.

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Emotional strength is important too

Boosting happiness and joy in elders’ lives is one of the priorities of Emoha. Often, the single, lonely elders found themselves surrounded by emptiness, this is where Emoha paves way for uplifting their mood to cheerful. The presence of similar other elders shares a bond with each other despite the distance of several kilometres. While elders stay at home, they have the access to connect with the community of like-minded people with whom they get to spend quality time while sharing their hobbies, entertainment, religious views, life-experiences etc. through virtual meeting setup.

With care and nurturing of the elders, you can give them not only happiness and a healthy life, but also a sense of belonging. At Emoha, this is what we do to strengthen the elders inside out by keeping them healthy and taking their worries and stress away.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.