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The continuous chronic pain and discomfort around the opening of your vagina is called Vulvodynia. It lasts for at least three months and can last up to several months and years. There is no apparent cause of this problem. While this might seem like a period of just discomfort, the pain and discomfort can be so great that even sitting or being intimate physically can be a challenge.

Even if you don’t have any definite signs and symptoms, you still can have vulvodynia. S, don’t let the embarrassment or shyness keep you away from a gynecologist and seeking help. A doctor can identify your signs and symptoms and give you a better diagnosis and plan of treatment.

If you experience any burning, soreness, rawness, throbbing, itching, and pain during sexual intercourse, it’s time you consult a gynecologist. Your pain might be occasional or constant but if it persists, don’t leave it to get better on its own. You can feel pain and discomfort in the entire valvular are or a specific small area, either way, it is a sign of time to seek medical help.

Although the exact cause of vulvodynia is yet to be known, there are some factors associated with the birth of this issue. If you ever have had a vaginal infection, injury in the area, any allergies, weakness in the pelvic floor, or any hormonal changes, you can develop vulvodynia.

 Vulvodynia Treatment

Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options available. to get rid of this painful disease. As the disease is marked by extreme pain, the treatment is focused on relieving the pain symptoms. One treatment that might have worked for your friend may not work for you too. Doctors always try a combination of treatments to see the best results. Keep in mind that the treatment will take some time before showing any signs of recovery.

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Special medicines are used to lessen the chronic pain that comes with vulvodynia. Medicines like Antihistamines, that might reduce itching and discomfort are also used. the common medications prescribed by doctors are Steroids, tricyclic antidepressants, or anticonvulsants.

 Local Anesthesia

If the pain reaches an unbearable level, doctors recommend using a numbing or anesthetic medicine. Using lidocaine ointment before sexual intercourse has helped numerous people. You need to apply the ointment 30 minutes before the intercourse but keep in mind that your partner might feel temporary numbness after the intercourse.

 Nerve Blockers

If your case does not respond well to any other therapy, your doctor might recommend using local nerve block injections. These are only prescribed to women who have long-standing pain that doesn’t respond to other treatments.

 Biofeedback Therapy

This is a therapy used to teach the patient, how to relax the pelvic muscles and control the response to symptoms. This in combination with necessary medications has helped a bundle of women.

 Pelvic Floor Therapy

Your pelvic floor is responsible for supporting your uterus, bowel, and bladder. In vulvodynia, many women tend to experience some tension in the pelvic floor muscles, which adds to the pain. Simple exercises that help in reducing the pelvic floor muscle tension can drastically reduce the pains.


This is the final resort. If your condition does not respond well to any other treatment and the pain persists your doctor might recommend you surgery. A “vestibulectomy” is carried out to remove the affected skin and tissues. This relieves pains in some women.

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 Home Remedies

There are numerous home remedies that you can use to relieve the symptoms and pain of vulvodynia.

  • Use cold compresses directly on the affected area. It will ease the pain and itching.
  • Sit in a salt bath, at least two to three times a day. This will relieve pain and calm your muscles.
  • Do not soak in hot baths. This can cause itching, discomfort, and burns.
  • Do not engage in any activity that puts pressure on your vulva.
  • Avoid tight panties and trousers at all costs. Tight clothes prevent the airflow to your genitals which leads to an increase in moisture which causes irritation. Always go for lightweight cotton underwear.
  • Do not scrub the affected area. Throw away any harsh scrubs and loofahs. Simply wash your vagina with your hands and pat dry with a soft cloth or tissues.
  • Keep the area lubricated to avoid any friction. Always use a lubricant before sex. This will noticeably decrease the pain.

 Consult A Gynecologists

There is no doubt that self-research and education are important to make an educated decision. But no amount of advice from the internet can replace a professional’s recommendation and prescription. If you have vulvodynia or are scared you might have it, it’s time to consult the best gynecologists in Lahore throughMarham.pk. They will recommend you the best treatment that will relieve all your symptoms and prevent them from reappearing.

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