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Do you know interesting facts about children brain? Learn here.

Shushukanye is an important part of communicating with children. Every mother and father should be aware of some of the developmental features of their baby’s brain.

I think it will be very interesting for most parents to know what happens in the tiny brains of children, both in the early stages of their development and in the later ones.

If you want to know fun facts for kids Visit Intrestingfacts.org.

1) All babies are born too early

It is widely believed among most biologists that babies must remain in the womb for much longer to develop. However, this is just their hypothesis, nature “thinks” a little differently.

As a rule, the brain of a newborn is 4 times smaller than that of an adult. Knowing this fact, paediatricians also term the “fourth trimester of pregnancy” the first 3 months of a child’s life, thereby stressing how much children need treatment during this time.

In the early stages of their development, babies lack social skills, so they often cry, which sometimes scares many parents. But in reality, through crying, they are simply trying to draw attention to themselves, which they need.

For the first time, a child can smile no earlier than 10-14 weeks after birth.

2) Parental reactions affect child brain development

Speech development researcher at Cornell University, Michael Goldstein, says “As long as children exist, so do parents.” However, he adds that the child’s brain can use the appropriate responses of those who care for him. It helps the brain develop.

In the early stages of child development, the so-called “control” area of ​​the brain is not tightly controlled. That is why any attempts to discipline a child during this period are completely pointless. Currently, newborns are learning to understand what hunger, fatigue, discomfort, loneliness are. For their part, parents can help the child with this. You just need to quickly respond to the needs of the baby.

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Melvin Conner, author of a book on the evolution of children, and a wide range of experts believe that at an early age, babies cry from physical development.

3) Shushukanye is an important part of communicating with children

In her book, The Philosophical Baby, 2009, Alison Gopnik explains that children turn on their own emotions when they mimic the facial expressions of their parents. This helps them improve their innate understanding of emotional interaction.

According to scientists, lisping is an instinctive parental response that helps children develop.

4) The baby’s brain develops very quickly

After birth, the human brain develops at a tremendous rate. Already before the 1st year, it is 60% relative to the brain of an adult. As a rule, when a child is sent to kindergarten, his brain is already “ready-made”, however, he has not yet stopped his development and develops until about 25 years old. But, even after reaching this age, the brain can change, both for the better and the worse.

5) baby talk

A nonsensical series of sounds that come out of the mouths of infants is baby babbling. Typically, this tells parents that their baby is ready to learn. When parents hear such prompts from their child, they should be very careful.

According to neuroscientist Liz Elliot, talking between parents and babies makes them smarter. Therefore, the dialogue between parents and children plays a very important role.

6) It is necessary to react correctly

It often happens that parents respond to every cry of the baby. But when a child gets one or another reaction 100 per cent of the time, he becomes bored and turns away. Children take knowledge very, very carefully, and they cannot constantly learn.

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Scientists say that on an instinctive level, parents respond to about 60% of children’s cries.

7) Children’s brains need rest

The fact that children need communication does not mean that they need it continuously. According to Liz Eliot, it is very difficult for children to concentrate on one thing for a long time, and it is very easy for them to overexcite.

Yet, as experience illustrates, engagement is the greatest helper often. For example, a child can be taught to calm down and fall asleep by rocking it.

8) Children need more than just their parents

Research shows that other people’s participation in a child’s development plays a significant role. Children get much more when there are at least three adults next to them who communicate with them.

According to scientists, in the case when a child spends time not only with parents but, for example, with grandparents, aunt, nanny, as well as with other families, he receives more information for himself.

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Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.