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If you are new to the world of eyelashes extension, you have heard about the term classic, hybrid, and volume, and it can take some time to learn the terminology and know what the difference is. There are many effects you can give to your eyelashes. All will enhance your look and make your eyes look bigger, brighter, and awake. 

We are so spoilt for choice as there are many options to create a custom set of eyelashes extension that need to be put on makeup. There are many things available to work with, like classic, volume, hybrid, or even mega volume with different diameters and lengths and curls. So using this, we can create sets that look better than your own lashes or can create a drama to your eyes.

Before moving forward to these, you need to know what the difference between classic, hybrid, and volume eyelashes extension is? Let’s look at it in detail and inform you so that you can tell which style is best for you.

Classic eyelash extension


A classic eyelash extension, as the name suggests, looks classic. This is the most basic technique where the industry has started in a lash extension. They give a simple and natural-looking lash extension look. The lashes are applied on a 1:1 ratio, which means one lash extension on one natural lash.

It is an art of applying a lash extension to an individual natural lash. It means you can use lash extensions as much as you have your natural lashes. It allows you to achieve a natural enhancement to your eye. Classic lashes only provide length and shape to your eye, not fullness or added fluff. If it’s your first time, then classic eyelash extensions are a great place to start. Classic eyelash extensions come in thicknesses of 1 to 1.5mm and styles and can be as lightweight as 0.07mm for a natural look or thick 0.18mm for a fuller look.


This look will mimic your natural lash look, and the fullness depends on your natural lashes; if you don’t have many natural lashes, then 100% coverage would not look as it would look on somebody else. However, there are still ways to achieve a more dramatic look using a classic set, such as selecting thicker and longer extensions. A classic set offers the length and shape definition to individual strands. 

Now let’s say you have a lot of natural lashes and want to add some length and defined curl. The classic eyelashes will be your extension if you are looking for a hassle-free mascara look. And it feels like you’re wearing a perfect mascara that doesn’t smudge, smear, or come off when you wash your face. If you have scanty lashes and wish to fill out your lash line, classic eyelash extensions will not be suitable for you.

 Volume eyelashes extension


With volume eyelashes extension, you can add drama to your eyes. Volume eyelashes extension is a professional and advanced technique where lash experts take 2-6 thin eyelashes and execute them into a fan shape and applied to a natural eyelash. After using these fans, you will see dense and fluffy eyelashes. 

These extensions are thinner and lightweight fans to ensure that it does not strain your natural lashes as your eyelashes’ health and safety are important. Your natural lash length and thickness of lash will determine how big a fan can be applied. Generally, 2D-6D is the most common range, and anything higher than 6D is referred to as Mega volume or Russian volume. 

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It requires skills, and it is essential to find an experienced lash artist as some used pre-made fans as shortcuts, which give a seamless bulkier look and strain your lashes more. It is best for sparse lashes as fans overlap any gaps and create an illusion of having more lashes. If you opt for classic, then it gives a spidery look, and no one wants that, but with volume, you can accomplish your fuller and darker lashes look.

If you are an individual who enjoys dramatic looks, then compared to classic, volume sets will give you that look. If you are a person who often wears makeup, then the volume set will be more suitable for you to balance it out.

Hybrid eyelash extension



Hybrid lashes are a blend of two styles, classic and volume. It gives the best of both as if you want a fuller look than classic but does not want the bold and dark look of volume; there is no perfect ratio. It provides you the best definition of classics and fluffiness of a volume and offers you varied texture and more volume.

In Hybrid extension, some natural lashes get a single extension while others get multiple. If you feel like you have good lashes quantity, but there are some gaps, then this is the best technique as volume fans will fill in any gaps and give a slightly fluffier appearance than classic.

Hybrid sets can still look natural as it depends on the ratio of classic to volume your stylist chose and the size of the fans used. Hybrid is the most loved method for stylish as it gives artists control and flexibility to be creative as they like. 

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This look has since spread across Hollywood as Stars love it because it offers a wispy, natural lash line with a little drama. Looking at Hollywood stars and wondering how they all have such beautiful and long natural lashes, here’s your answer! 


When it comes to lash extension, every set is different and designed as per client desires and eyes. If you ask me which lashes should you go for? Any! It depends on how you want your look to achieve on your natural lashes. If you have enough thick natural lashes and don’t want to be too dramatic, get classic lashes. If you don’t have thick lashes, get done with hybrid lashes, and, of course, the drama looks that you won’t stop looking at, then go with volume extension. Based on the condition of the client, the technician will decide the style that best suits them.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.