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When you have your own home, it’s important to make sure everyone who lives there is comfortable. This is even more important if you like to host parties or at least have people over now and then; you need to make your home feel like a welcoming place. The last thing you want is to invite people over and have them politely say no or come over but feel awkward when they’re there.

So how can they feel more at home when they come to visit? There are a lot of different choices, and all of them are doable. Also, if you make these few small changes, your home will be more comfortable for you as well.

Set The Tone

The first step in creating a welcoming environment in your house is to establish the appropriate mood. That includes sprucing up the foyer, front door, and front lawn (if you have one). If this is attractive, your guests will feel welcome from the start, and you’ll get the chance to demonstrate your hospitality.

Taking the time to sweep the front stoop and pathways, wash the front door, and possibly arrange some hanging baskets around it will make a huge difference.

Flower Arrangements

Having flowers around the house is a great way to make it feel warmer and more inviting. Arranging a couple of vases of flowers in your living room or kitchen, for instance, would perk up the space and make it look more appealing and revitalized. Flowers can be gathered from a home garden or purchased from a florist for more elaborate displays.

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Don’t worry if you have a flower allergy; today’s fake flowers look just as wonderful as the genuine article and can be a good substitute.

Use The Sense Of Smell

The sense of smell is the most important one to engage while designing a home. Even if the space is immaculately designed, it will fail to attract visitors if there is an unpleasant smell or none at all.

Having flowers in the house can fill it with a fresh scent. Burning incense or lighting scented candles are two alternatives if you don’t want to use real flowers or are using fake ones. Or you might go for a more natural approach with aromas like freshly brewed coffee or freshly baked goods, which you can add Christmas cookie decorating stencils to and service to your guests. This is a surefire technique to increase a house’s cozy factor.

Make Getting Around Easy

Clutter and chaos make for an uncomfortable environment. When visitors have to make extra effort to navigate through your furniture, belongings, and trinkets simply to find a place to sit, it’s clear that you haven’t put much thought into how easy it is for them to feel at home there.

So that no one’s path is blocked, you should leave open passageways through the space. Now is the time to clean house and get rid of all the junk you have accumulated over the years if this is currently an issue. Perhaps you don’t have to get rid of anything; it might be that simply rearranging your furniture can offer your home a more pleasing aesthetic and make life easier for you and your guests.

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Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.