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Have you ever thought about developing a video to market your brand? Over the decades, marketing strategies have undergone considerable transformation. And today. video content has emerged as the most effective mode of marketing for brands. Especially in the age of mobile marketing, smartphone users find engaging video content irresistible. Several surveys have advocated that by 2021, every smartphone user will spend 100 minutes/ per day watching videos. 93% of companies worldwide claim to attain new customers through video content. The potential of video marketing is beaming and the concept of frequently rolling out fresh and unique video content has become a daunting prospect. Though there are many types of videos used for marketing the most influential ones are YouTube videos and Digital Video commercials.

YouTube Videos

Businesses incorporate YouTube videos into their marketing tactics to promote their brand because it is the best traffic-generating platform with more than 1 billion users. Almost one-third of people who use the internet, access YouTube daily. With technical advances and innovations, YouTube video has become a hugely influential medium of promotion.

Digital Video Commercials

DVC refers to digital video commercials, used for repetitive and time-consuming broadcasting operations. It gives you insights to charm customers, induces them to take action, and build brand awareness.

Tips To Promote Your Brand With Dvc And Youtube

How corporate video in your marketing strategies depends on the type of business you are running. If you are not using video content, your brand might be missing the massive opportunity to captivate customers. And you also lose the serious ground to your competitors. A reliable video marketing strategy can result in multiple conversions and sales.

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Cultivate the following tips in your video content to make it stand out:

Work on your video commercials

If you want to engage the visitor until the last second of your video, make it compelling enough. The first 15 seconds in a video are most crucial for grasping attention. The beginning should be so well-established and of utmost importance that there are complete tutorials for it. Here are the best tips to consider:

  • Pique curiosity to begin with a teaser.
  • Appeal viewers with a well-established opening.
  • Prompt attraction by asking a question.
  • Open with a good summary.
  • Use creative and magical words in your content

Optimize it as per your audience’s personas

The most critical step in the optimization of your video content is to know your audience. If you are targeting a younger crowd or more mobile crowd, give them something fascinating. Take the type of technology platform into account when crafting your DVC and YouTube Videos. Because the more your video gets viral, the better it for your brand’s visibility.

Craft Constructive Thumbnails

An enormous amount is spent by the publishing companies to craft a memorable and compelling cover of a book. Because this is the primary thing everyone notices, whether on a shelf or as an image on the internet. The thumbnail is an essential element to drive a visitor to either play your video or pass through it.

So, you need to dress your video with a compelling and play-worthy thumbnail image. Such a thumbnail would tease, captivate, and provoke the viewer to know more. Cultivate this habit to improve the promotion of your brand.

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Keep Mobile Format in Mind

The most crucial step in creating DVC and YouTube videos is to optimize your mobile format content as most of the people access the internet on their smartphones. Create a video that would work both ways, either with or without audio. As 85% percent of the YouTube videos are watched without audio.

Another important hack is to create small videos that would last no longer than 3 minutes. Such videos do not consume much data and can be enjoyed conveniently on-the-go.

Do Not Forget SEO

It is detail-oriented and a tedious chore, but it cannot be neglected. SEO is a vital element to boost your business. Your video tile should be SEO friendly, and make sure you incorporate appropriate tags and meta-descriptions. In this way, you have given your video every advantage it needs to appear on the top of search results.

Invest in graphics and recording equipment 

This element is quite literal. If you produce original content in the form of YouTube videos or DVCs, invest in the right quality equipment or advanced technology. It will give a professional and experienced look to your creation, which ultimately brings conversions.

Add End Screens

End screens work like a magic spell in expanding your viewership. You can add a call-to-action to subscribe or direct viewers to your page at the end of your commercials or videos.

Share Industry Expertise

You can create compelling YouTube videos and DVC by incorporating them with detailed information about your industry and the manufacturing process. It can help you build your goodwill in the market. And it makes a key plank for your PR efforts.

Run A Video Campaign on Social Media

Social media and videos are a match made in paradise. Promoting your brand’s DVC and YouTube videos on the right social media platforms is a very critical phase. You have to keep your audience demographics in mind. If you are targeting older demographics, make sure your promotion efforts go to Facebook. And if you are targeting a younger crowd, post your video on Twitter or Instagram. Always make sure you add the relevant hashtags to get more visibility on social channels.

Similarly, if you know where there is an online market for your work, then go to that platform and promote it.

Good promotion is essential for getting more viewers to watch your video content. Make sure you include all these fundamentals to produce good content and do this consistently. Ultimately this is what compels and converts.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.