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Tax Professionals

UK tax professionals help the customers in getting the right deductions at the right time. It is important to understand the basic rules of the UK tax system. Every business, whether it is a restaurant, cinema, shop, or even a bank, pays tax on its income. Some of the common sources of income that are subject to tax in the UK include the salary or fee of an individual, loss received by the individual from any kind of sale, the amount spent on traveling and holiday expenses, property or assets purchased with the help of loans or overdrafts, dividends received by the individual, etc. An important tip that can be followed by the individuals is to pay all the taxes on time.

Types of UK Tax Deductions

There are different types of UK tax deductions; some of them are described below. First, if you are paying back a mortgage or house loan in the form of monthly installments then you have to deduct the interest paid on the loan. You can get more details from UK tax professionals This will be the part of the interest that is deductible on your income tax bill. If you have more than one kind of financial assistance or credit facility then the different types of returns or credits can be aggregated and this will further increase the deduction.

Property or Any Asset 

Secondly, on the basis of information provided by you about the use of any property or asset or any financial instrument and the sale price of such properties or assets, the accountant can calculate the capital gain on the sale of the house property or the investment in the bank. The capital gain is calculated on the difference between the sale price and the amount actually paid or credited as interest on the house loan or the mortgage. You can avail of several other deductions. For instance, if you are buying a property or asset with the help of a trust deed or a nominee account, then the accountant can take care of the capital gains tax deduction. Also, if the property or asset is used as security for any loan or any credit facility then the deduction is made for the interest paid on the principal amount.

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Paid on the Reserve Fund

Another important tax benefit that can be availed by you is the interest paid on the reserve fund. If the property is used for the repayment of any loan, credit facility, or mortgage then the reservation fund can be deducted. Similarly, if you are buying a house property or asset for investment purposes and there are some improvements made on the house property or asset, then the tax benefit can be used to pay for the cost involved in the improvement.

Paid for the First Year of Residence

Another very important tax benefit is the claim deduction on the interest paid for the first year of residence of the person. In the case of a prescribed land or building or structure, the property that you are using as your residence for the first year of residence is regarded as your primary residence and hence the email for such properties is considered to be zero. However, the emails for mortgage repayments on the structure or land are considered to be taxable.

Pay Tax on the Value of Money

On the other hand, if you are a nonresident of the UK and wish to purchase a house or property in the UK, then you have to pay tax on the amount of money you are going to spend as a down payment, but it should be good if you ask from the tax professionals. You have to pay tax on the value of money invested in the transaction also. Hence, it is essential for you to know about the stamp duty, property registration charges, and other taxes on home purchases that you may have to pay in the UK. Besides these, you may also have to pay the tax on purchasing any land or property for business purposes, if you are purchasing the property for your own business.

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Other Taxes You Need to Pay

There are many other taxes that you need to pay, like income tax, sales tax, income value-added tax, property tax, and many more. You can make a claim for all the taxes that you need to pay. However, you cannot make a claim for all taxes at one time. Every citizen of the UK is allowed to make a single claim for all the taxes he or she needs to pay. However, it is not possible for every citizen of the UK to file his or her returns as and when the taxes are reduced or removed completely.


If you want to save money while purchasing a home property, you should also consider claiming the house loan interest reduction with the help of tax professionals. It is a common thing that the home loan interest is expensive. However, if you are willing to purchase a house for investment purposes, then it is not a bad option. You should also look for multiple tax rebate claims. There are many websites that can help you with these types of options.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.