• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

In this day-and-age, where technology has availed a plethora of different options, every industry is accelerating to leverage this development to their advantage. The dental care industry hasn’t left the opportunity either. It is currently a $128 Billion market and is expected to grow at a rate of 1.2% per annum. 

For all the marketing analysts out there, here is where you began your journey with dental care. It still seems like a growing arena and gives you ample time to push and apply content marketing services effectively. 

So, we’re here to uncover: 

SEO + Content Marketing tips to grow this industry multi-fold! 

1) SEO & Local SEO

It’s probably understood, but if you’re looking to attract customers for a dental care business, you begin from local niches and work your way up to a higher level. 

Local SEO is a subset of SEO that focuses on the local level to gain more local traffic for your business. For small businesses and start-ups with a local niche target, this could work wonders. 

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of leveraging crawlers’ power to rank your web page. You use multiple keywords with local modifiers to ensure that they find you, index you in a relevant category, and then rank you accordingly. 

In the case of Dental care, the keyword choices may differ in terms of the location you’re targeting and the search intent. Essentially, you have two kinds of keywords – Long tail and short tail. Both of these carry importance when carrying out SEO procedures. Long-tail keywords are generous when it comes to ranking since you can include your location and don’t have to limit yourself. 

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2) Search Intent 

This is perhaps the first thing they teach in Digital Marketing 101! Before we go running into performing keyword research and then carrying out SEO for a website, we must narrow down the search intent. 

In simple terms, search intent is basically what your niches are looking for.

Why is it important?

Simply because you, as a marketer, cannot target every question asked. You choose the closest option – you group of frequently asked questions and narrow down the search intent. Google Analytics is a helpful tool to identify what your niches are searching for. 

When it comes to dental care, very few search queries pertain to “dental care,” most of them are about a specific procedure in dental care. For example: root canal + near me or <dental procedure> + near me. So, whenever you’re narrowing the search intent for dental care, always consider a local factor. 

3) Voice Search 

According to a study, 41% of the adults use voice search at least once a day to quench their search query. And this brings in the need to make your webpages voice optimized. 

Within the voice search arena, there is an option of optimizing it for local search queries just like you would optimize SEO. Out of all the voice search queries, 22% of them are location-based and specific to the search intent. 

In dental care, these search queries are usually along with a location-specific modifier and a particular procedure. So, each time someone is looking for a dentist for a toothache or cavity, their go-to search query will be either “dentist near me” or “Teeth-cleaning near me.” Apart from this, if someone is looking for a procedure-specific place, they’d say “Root canal place near me.” 

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4) Content, Content Everywhere!

Content is the heart of your digital marketing strategy. Without content, your strategy is empty. Content marketing is an arm of digital marketing but stands out because it contains a lot of sub-parts. 

The most common form of content marketing is blogging! It could either be on your website or making guest posts – blogging is an efficient way of distributing content. 

Another form of content marketing is social media content distribution. More often than not, companies re-purpose the content from research-based and lengthy blogs to create smaller versions of content either in the form of carousels or videos. 

Remember: creating content is easy but creating meaningful content that piques your customers’ interests – that takes time. 

5) Target Audience 

Your target audience is where your whole SEO+Content Marketing strategy is resting. Any SEO professional would agree that selecting the right target audience is crucial when it comes to providing content marketing services. 

It usually begins with understanding the company’s mission, vision, and objective. Once you’ve understood what your company needs, you then move onto creating a buyers’ persona. It is a faux character that contains all the details about an ideal niche interested in your product/service. 

In dental care, creating a target audience is just as crucial as any other industry. The only difference is that your niche is majorly kids, old people, and people that care about their dental health. 

Wrapping Up

By the end of the blog, we’ve uncovered how content marketing services can change your dental care business course since technology has taken over. The methods mentioned above are rather general, and they can be incorporated within any SEO+Content Marketing strategy. More often than not, these processes are easy to follow and DIY-worthy. But you can always reach out to a digital marketing agency near you to help you boom your dental care business.