• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

Presentation folders are one of the best instruments to market a business.  They are considered a traditional way to get new business and reach out to new audiences. But even in this digital age, they play an important role in connecting with customers.

As times have changed using an ordinary presentation folder template is useless. If you want to market products and services, make sure the promotional material represents the soul of the business.

Apart from the normal rectangular presentation folders, there are many options available in the market. You can go for a square or landscape folder for your marketing campaign. Adding additional slots that will house more information is also a bonus.

Using a custom presentation folder with a unique design and outlook can make your marketing campaigns more effective. So always design your own presentation folder and look for a good folder printing service to get it printed.

If you have all these done and dusted, now is the time to use them beneficially. Even though you have major information stored inside the presentation folder, if you cannot disperse it properly all this would be a waste.

Few ways to market your products & services using a presentation folders

These can also reduce your marketing costs gradually.

Building Brand Identity

Use the presentation folders as welcome packs for people visiting your business or office. Folders are a great tool to get attention and maybe get new business.

Doing this will make it easy for you to communicate with them. If they have all the major information about the product or service on offer, you can do more in less time.

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Also, the logo and tagline on the cover of your presentation folder is a marketing campaign on its own. People will start identifying your business and products as they see the logo.

You can even use the folders along with your email marketing. Send a copy of the presentation folder along with the emails.

Winning the Audience

There is no need to turn to digital marketing all the time. You can use presentation folders in direct meetings. They come in handy everywhere from an office space to a coffee shop.

Similarly, presentation folders can be given out as handouts during events. A well-organised folder can be used to get new business at seminars, presentations, and trade shows. There may be a vast array of people visiting these events, who might include customers and other businessmen.

Your folder must contain leaflets and brochures, with detailed information about your business.

The folder must be pleasing to the eye too, as the cover is the first thing a reader will notice. Add a suitable finish like matte or gloss to the cover after consulting a folder printing service.

The prospect should feel that your business is worth collaborating with. If you are able to make the right impression on the reader, you will have some new business coming your way.

Improving Sales

Folders are useful tools for marketing your latest price reduction or festival offers. Add the flyers or brochures about the latest offers along with other documents in the presentation folder.

Also, every time you introduce new products, prepare a detailed description of the product and add it to the presentation folder. This will also make organising things at the office easier for you.

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Make sure to place documents with artistic value on the top while arranging content in the presentation folder. This will act as a hook that will make the reader interested in the rest of the contents as well.

If more data-rich content is placed first it will bore them. But these materials like annual reports and corporate brochures come in handy when you are approaching potential stakeholders.

Subsidiary Marketing

You can also add digital resources along with paper documents in the presentation folder. You can connect with a folder printing service to add a CD or DVD pocket holder to your folder.

This way you can spread your promotional videos, especially in this time when video content is a great means to reach out to prospects.


You can choose different folders for different occasions. For example, most businesses are inclined to use the standard A4 presentation folders. The A4 folder is popular because it is best suited for A4 documents as the name suggests.

But if you are delivering a presentation about your latest release you can go for an A5 folder.

A5 presentation folders are smaller compared to the latter, so less information will be accommodated. But these are more than enough for housing information about a single product or special offers.

A5 folder printing businesses offer a wide range of ideas to make the folder more pleasing.

Even though you are using different folders make sure the touch and feel of all of them are the same. This will be a huge positive in a consistent image for your brand.