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Over the years, we could witness a surge in mobile apps among people. This impeccable rise in the number of users is the result of the ongoing pandemic situation. The food industry is the first one to start its expedition with online delivery services. Impressed with the ideology, people became more convenient to order their food through these apps.

Currently, the app market is so competitive that having a foresighted vision is important to upgrade a business. Business owners are all aware of the fact that digital networks are the only potential way to reach out to the masses. So, they started investing in a mobile app-based business. Groceries, courier, medicine, and various products are giving their try to these on-demand delivery apps.

Quite interested in knowing the scope for these apps? Then, you should give this blog a try to gain potential insights for starting out your venture in this.

What is an on-demand delivery app?

In our everyday activities, we are somehow caught between demands and needs. These demands can be anything, service, or product. Ultimately, we connect with respective service providers to get our needs met. Mobile applications are helping us with identifying our service providers and delivering our products at our doorsteps.

This is what on-demand apps perform. They are building a bridge that connects the customers to find their necessities effortlessly. Here, the app is just a platform that is more than an intermediary.  Businesses partner with them to improve their user base and people access them for fulfilling their needs.

Know the different types of delivery services offered by these apps

When it comes to delivery apps, there are different business models associated with them. These business models will help you figure out a perfect plan for your ventures.

  • Peer-to-peer

A Peer-to-peer or P2P app is a platform where a person can demand or request a service or product from another person. The person at the request receiving end has the right to either accept or deny the request. Some popular businesses under this category are Uber, eBay, Airbnb, etc.

  • Business-to-customer

This is widely adopted by businesses who want to promote themselves among their customers. They will in turn develop their mobile application to offer exclusive services directly to their customers.

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Here, enterprises prefer this to improve their brand value. For example, McDonalds and Dominos have their own app to sell their products directly to people.

  • Business-to-business

An entity or an enterprise depends on several small businesses to complete its business operations. The B2B applications focus on integrating them. To put things clearly, let me shoot out an example.

Top retailers like Amazon will have their own apps to communicate and integrate with their suppliers.

Gojek clone – A Gameplan to launch your on-demand delivery app

As entrepreneurs, you all would have heard this name-Gojek, the game-changer in the digital business world. A successful business venture is where you combine things at the right edges. Instead of offering one particular delivery service, you can experiment with an app that can be a hub to offer various services in one place.

Business owners can remodel an app and develop an on-demand delivery app that can cater to provide all the major delivery solutions to people.  The Gojek clone app is a perfect solution to start your digital venture. Or else, you can also purchase a white-label Gojek clone script and customize it with your own services.

Some vision about different types of delivery solutions to include in your app

  • Food ordering

This type of app is quite popular among people where they can order their food from their favorite hotels and restaurants. You can partner with restaurants and feature them in your app. On the other hand, you will act as an aggregator to help them increase their business value. So the users can place their orders from those restaurants.

  • Grocery delivery

Groceries are top-notch ideas for your business. Post-pandemic, this has become the apple of the eye for almost all of us. When people were sealed inside their houses, these apps helped them order their groceries online. Currently, this type of service is quite popular among people. However, do not miss out on adding this to your list.

  • Ecommerce solutions

The overwhelming digitization has given scope for commerce and retail sectors to go online to sell their products. This has eventually given a base for the term eCommerce. Through eCommerce, you can provide all product support right from A to Z. This is a perfect revenue generation option for your business.

  • Telemedicine services

This is another lucrative option you should consider for your app. When visiting medical shops were hectic during the pandemic, these apps started to bloom. Unlike food and grocery ordering, people can order their medicines through an app. Along with other services, you can also include this among them.

  • Courier delivery

For quite a long time, we were all used to sending our parcels through post or courier services. But the wake of digitization has made it easy for people to send their parcels through apps. GPS tracking enables them to track their parcel deliveries in real-time.

  • Transportation apps

The transportation apps are already ruling our day-to-day activities to a large extent. You can win over the customers by employing ride-hailing service in your app. This has the potential to captivate more users to your app. So this option should definitely find a place on your list.

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How much does it cost to develop an on-demand delivery app?

The cost of developing a delivery app is determined after considering various factors. These factors have a strong impact on deciding the cost. To name a few, app platform, advanced features, design, technological stacks used, customization opted, front-end and back-end development.

The geographical location of your app development country will also have an impact on the development cost. The app developers will charge you for the total hours they spend on developing your app. So, all these factors will play a major role in the expenditure of building your app.

Wrapping up

Considering the present business environment, it is absolutely the best idea to start a career in the on-demand app market. Research the market scenario to understand the trends and their demand at its best. With a hands-on experience app developers’ team, you can develop your Gojek clone script and meet the market in no time.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.