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Liposuction, also called lipo, is an invasive form of plastic surgery performed in the abdominal area. Recent scientific evidence does not support any lasting effect on fat content beyond a few months and has no known effect on obesity-related conditions. However, in the United States alone, liposuction constitutes about 75% of all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Liposuction may be performed on patients of all ages; however, younger patients are often advised to wait until their mid-30’s for this procedure.

Liposuction may be performed as an outpatient procedure or an overnight procedure. Patients are given local anesthesia and local anesthetic injections. The process usually takes one to two hours with recovery time lasting a few days to several weeks. Most patients return to work in a week or two after surgery. Patients who undergo this procedure have been reported to experience minor swelling or redness in their abdominal area, but there have been no known complications resulting from this procedure.

Liposuction may reduce excess fat or even completely eliminate it, but it is not a cure for a variety of conditions or body dysfunctions. There are other methods of weight loss and weight control that are more effective and permanent. Most people undergoing liposuction may lose between two and five pounds of excess weight, and the remainder of the excess is absorbed by the body.

This procedure is especially helpful for those who want to reduce waistlines, improve posture, remove excess skin from the abdominal area, reduce fat build-up in the abdominal area, reduce bulge and tighten the abdominal muscles, and increase the size of a flat stomach. Patients undergoing liposuction can expect to see some small improvements within a month, although these results are usually very gradual and temporary.

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Patients undergoing this procedure will also find out during the initial visit, whether they qualify for liposuction or not. If you have a family history of diabetes, blood pressure problems, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, or gallbladder problems, you are not a good candidate for liposuction. Furthermore, if you are a smoker and you drink too much alcohol, then you should wait to have your abdomen treated until you stop.

Laparoscopy, which is more commonly referred to as “peri-aesthetic liposuction,” is another popular cosmetic surgical procedure. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive form of liposuction in which a laser or an ultrasonic probe is used to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. It is considered a non-surgical method of liposuction for the abdominal area and is a great option for patients who have had gastric or duodenal procedures and are at risk for an infection.

This laparoscopic technique involves a small incision along with the belly button and a thin tube that is inserted into the belly button to suck out excess fat and then the tube is connected to the patient’s arm vein. The tube is then inflated to allow the surgeon to suck out the excess skin. This procedure is less invasive than traditional liposuction but more involved than traditional liposuction in terms of recovery time and recovery. Laparoscopic surgery does however have some risks, such as possible infection, and patients should be under the care of a certified physician if this procedure is performed. Laparoscopy can be performed on patients of all ages and is generally recommended for patients who have never had a tummy tuck or other cosmetic plastic surgeries.

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After the treatment, patients should be advised to avoid strenuous physical activities and use compression stockings to minimize the healing time of their small incisions. In fact, the compression stockings should only be used on days that you are not physically active or going to the gym. Many patients may find that their abdomens feel heavy or sore for a few weeks. These symptoms may be due to the fact that you are still having the healing process and healing from your first procedure but as long as you follow the instructions of your doctor and follow your doctor’s instructions closely, you should not experience any side effects.


Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.