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The Holy Quran is the divine book and decree of Allah Almighty. The significance of the Noble Quran is unmatchable and the construct it possesses cannot be found in any other book in the world. The essence and depth of meaning that the verse of the Holy Quran conveys is sublime which an individual truly experiences by Quran reading and having a thorough understanding of it. Learning Quran and reciting daily bring innumerable blessings and rewards from Allah Almighty. Holy Quran is indeed a deep ocean of knowledge that offers thorough guidance in each aspect of our lives. Understanding and implementing the teachings of the Quran may lead us to live a peaceful, contented, and prosperous life not in this world but also in the world hereafter. In this article, lets shed some light upon the factors that answer the question that why learning the Quran is of great significance for Muslims:

Source of Knowledge and Guidance

The Noble Quran is a bona fide source of guidance and knowledge for humankind. Learning Quran with tajweed and having a thorough understanding of it will guide you towards the path of Allah and will make your trials and tribulations of life easier to deal with. You may also get the true essence and knowledge of the Holy Book by taking online Quran classes and making it a part of your daily life.

To Help You Understand Your Purpose Of Existence

While living in this world, human beings need to find out the purpose of their existence that is being defined by Allah Almighty. To understand that purpose, human beings have to consult the Holy Quran and have thorough insight on how to lead a life that is purposeful and serves Allah Almighty in the right manner. As Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran says: “He created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed.” (Quran, 67:2)

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Deep Understanding Of Religion Islam

The authentic and thorough understanding of the religion Islam can be taken from Holy Quran as it is the genuine and unchanged message from Allah Almighty that is still present in its original form till now and allows Muslims to get a deep sense of understanding of Islam and guidance in every walk of life. Muslims can now make the habit of reading the Quran on daily basis by learning the Quran online and getting closer to religion day by day.

Purification and Softening Of Heart

When a Muslim develops a habit of learning the Quran regularly, it starts positively affecting the heart and purifies it by taking away all the negativity and impurities of the heart. Learning Quran with tajweed allows the hearts of the Muslims to be softened and more empathetic towards other human beings and motivates them to do good in life. As Allah Almighty in Holy Quran Says: ‘’O mankind! There hath come to you an admonition from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts and for those who believe a Guidance and Mercy.” (Quran, 10:57)

Great Chance To Communicate With Allah

Reading and Reciting Quran on daily basis allows you to communicate and connect with your Creator and makes you feel like you are closer to your Lord and a deeps sense of connection and understanding is being developed between man and the Creator.

Summing Up!

Learning and understanding Holy Quran is compulsory for Muslims whether Men and Women. It is not only our religious obligation but also allows Muslims to feel connected and closer to their Lord to live a happy and prosperous life both in this world and the world hereafter.

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Author Bio

Muhammad Junaid is a senior Analyst and Search Engine Expert. Extensive experience being a lead writer in Online Madrasa. Work for years with local and international enterprises. Also, represent well-known brands in the UAE.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.