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  • robinwcc2@gmail.com


It’s so important to have backup plans in place. World backup day is on March 31, 2021, and we high-tech people are letting you remind us how important it is to back up your data. 

Your data is more valuable enough than your device

Everyday hardware is getting cheaper and cheaper. So do you know what’s more expensive? The music and movies you have on your hard drive, the video of your child taking the first step, and the term paper where you spent weeks writing. You can get a new device, but will it replace those important files? NO!

So what do you need to do? 

Back them up with IT consulting firms!   

When you back up your data, you are making a second copy of anything you don’t want to lose. If anything happens to your original files, you can restore your computer’s backups with backup services. 

In a technical sound, it means that data exists in two places. The primary purpose should be a recovery plan when primary data become inaccessible. So keep backups off-site or online or on a second hard drive.

Why you should back up

There are many different scenarios where having a backup of your data would be useful as managed backup solves an important challenge

Scenarios are:

  • If your phone gets stolen, lose all pictures and videos. 
  • External hard drive crashes
  • You unknowingly delete something important.

Your backup options!

In developing a backup plan, you need to consider two types of backups. 

  • Backing up your files.
  • Backing up your business.
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As handling a business, your employees, data, and files are the most important assets. So does your business have a backup plan in place? Does your existing backup plan suit the remote environment? 

Here, we help you outline a data backup plan and offer you what an IT consulting firm can do to help.  

Backup your business

At the beginning of the year 2020, your backup plan looks different from today as many of us are operating remotely. It comes with new challenges for many businesses. In comparison, it also requires learning about backup service more and defining best practices.  

Cloud backups

Cloud backup solutions store your files and data off-site. So you are able to access these files from anywhere on any device with a secure connection. If any disaster happens or you are unable to access your physical location, you can still access files saved to your cloud backup with profound IT services. It also makes it safer and easier for you to share files with enterprises rather than depend on local storage. 

On-site backups

Cloud backups are great, but there is still a place for on-site backups in your overall business plan. When your internet connection goes down, or your cloud backup provider is unavailable on-site backups will be useful. Also, in an emergency, it keeps important files close to you. Examples are an internal drive, an external hard drive, or a flash drive. 

Update your backups regularly

With a cloud backup solution, you can set a regular time to update your files automatically. For an on-site backup, set a calendar reminder to ensure the drive is updated regularly.  

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Don’t forget to test your backups

Backup data is just the first step. You must keep in mind to update and maintain your backups. With automatic backups, unexpected issues can occur anytime. It’s the worst time to know that your backup isn’t working when you need it most. So IT consulting services make sure to check that your files are in sync with your cloud backup often by accessing your cloud backup from another device. 

With your on-site backup, ensure that files are stored properly and accessible. When you update it, open files to know that information is up to date.  

Back up your people and workflows

For a world backup day, data backup should be the first thing that comes to mind. As a technology company, it is in your mind too. So it’s a great reminder to check up on your workflows and people who make things happen for your business.   

Policies and procedures 

You might have a verbal backup as a service and workflow in place, so you must document and share with your organization. It helps other stakeholders to know whom to contact for help or assistance. In a situation of backup, communication is important.

Organization and Planning

Ensure that your backups stay updated with one another. Have a system in place when you sense that a backup situation is on the horizon. It includes the necessary documentation to complete tasks, contact information, and files needed to complete tasks. Regularly organizing meetings can help primary contacts and backup stay in touch.  

IT consulting firms help you back up!

When you are in doubt, our IT consulting service helps you manage your data backup solutions. We can address any backup needs in technology workflow or, if needed, stand in as a backup or supplement to your company’s internal IT.