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Laser eye surgery is a common eye procedure for correcting different vision problems. Most people have undergone laser eye surgery to make their vision perfect. However, different factors determine your suitability for the procedure.

If you want to have laser eye surgery, you need to be above 18 years, have healthy eyes, and see with glasses or contacts. However, a few other factors that your eye doctor will assess will determine whether you can get laser eye surgery to correct long-sightedness, short-sightedness, or astigmatism.

A consultation with your optician or optometrist will help you know for sure if you qualify to improve your vision using laser eye surgery.

Can laser eye surgery correct long-sightedness?

Yes, it can. Long-sightedness, also called hyperopia, occurs when the eye’s focusing power becomes weak, preventing you from seeing close objects, but you can focus on distant objects. Laser eye surgery is one of the common and effective treatments for correcting long-sightedness

Can laser eye surgery correct short-sightedness?

Yes, it can. Short-sightedness, also called myopia, is a vision problem resulting in a strong eye focusing power. It causes you to see close objects clearer than those far away. This condition usually occurs from childhood and in teenage years, with about a quarter of people experiencing it. With laser eye surgery, you can easily correct your short-sightedness and enjoy a clear close and distant vision.

Can laser eye surgery correct my astigmatism?

Yes, it can. Astigmatism occurs when the eye is irregular shaped, usually a rugby ball-like shape, instead of a football. People with astigmatism cannot focus clearly on objects, and the distant vision is blurred. With laser eye surgery, you can correct astigmatism and your prescription issues. Laser eye surgery is effective and will ensure you have perfect vision afterwards.

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Who cannot undergo laser eye surgery?

Laser eye surgery is suitable for most persons, but it is a better treatment option for people below 45. You may be unfit for laser eye surgery under certain circumstances, like being pregnant or a breastfeeding mother, because the fluctuation in hormone levels may affect vision.

Most clinics consider persons below 35 years with long-sightedness unsuitable for laser eye surgery because of age-related issues.

Alternative options to laser eye surgery

Laser eye surgery cannot treat certain eye conditions. For example, if your prescription is +1, +1.5 or +2, you may be unsuitable for monovision laser eye surgery.

If you cannot get laser eye surgery because you have a thin cornea, high prescription or long-sightedness, you may be more suitable for lens surgery. Different kinds of lens treatment options are available for you to make a choice.

If your prescription makes you unsuitable for LASEK or LASIK laser eye surgery, you can get refractive lens exchange (RLE) or implantable contact lenses (ICL). These lenses can correct very high astigmatism, long and short-sightedness.

  • Implantable contact lenses

This procedure is reversible and involves placing an artificial lens in front of the natural one. Most persons below 40 years who do not want to use glasses can get implantable contact lenses.

  • Refractive lens exchange

Refractive lens exchange, also known as lens replacement surgery, involves the same procedure as cataract surgery. The surgeon will remove the natural lens during your laser eye surgery and replace it with an artificial one. It is more suitable for patients above 40 and eliminates the need for reading glasses.

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Can I undergo laser eye surgery with a medical condition?

Certain medical conditions may make you unfit for having laser eye surgery.  The following are common conditions that could prevent a patient from undergoing laser eye surgery.

  • Blepharitis, an eye infection
  • Diabetes, especially if it affects the retina
  • Increased internal eye pressure
  • Large pupils with a high prescription
  • Epilepsy, MS, and dry eyes
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding. However, you can have the procedure about three months after weaning when your doctor finds you fit
  • Low prescription below 0.75

If you suffer from the following, you may not get laser eye surgery

  • Herpes of the eye
  • Cornea dystrophy
  • Macular degeneration
  • Keratoconus
  • SLE, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Iritis
  • A prism or squint which contact lenses cannot correct
  • Partial sightedness or blindness in one eye
  • Crohn’s or collagen disease
  • Glaucoma

People with unstable prescriptions who find it difficult to find suitable reading glasses and suffer from acute depression may be unsuitable for laser eye surgery.

If you have a vision issue and want to get treatment to correct it, you can call Optimal Vision on 020 7183 3725 to schedule an appointment for the best laser eye surgery.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.