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Everyone knows vaping as the safer, cheaper, and more convenient alternative to smoking tobacco. Having helped millions of people worldwide quit cigarettes, vaping has quickly developed its own culture over the last number of years.

Another trend that has taken the world by storm in recent times is that of CBD. The cannabis derivative has become hugely popular for its many health and lifestyle benefits.

Fans of both vaping and CBD will be glad to learn that you can now combine the two. Vaping CBD is becoming popular in many different areas across the globe.

We’ve taken a look at the benefits of vaping CBD compared to other ingestion methods, and examining where this trend is likely to lead in 2020.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/b3seL60dV8A

What Are the Benefits of CBD?

Cannabis is famous for both its health benefits and its recreational applications. While many people consume cannabis solely for fun, other people want to access the lifestyle benefits of the plant without experiencing a high.


Unlike THC, the most famous cannabis compound, CBD doesn’t cause any psychoactive effects in users. This means that you can take it in large doses without getting high, accessing all the medical benefits while retaining the ability to go about your daily life as normal.


If you want to make the most of your vaping experience, you’ll need high-quality vape oil. Check out the best-rated dry herb vaporizers by Herbonaut for some great options.


We’ve looked at some of the specific benefits of CBD in more detail here.

Pain Management

We all know what it’s like to be in pain. For most of us, pain is a temporary issue that arises in response to a particular stimulus and goes away after a while. However, if you’re one of the 50 million American adults that suffer from chronic pain, you probably need some form of medical pain relief to lead a normal life.

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If you’d prefer to avoid pharmaceutical treatments like ibuprofen, CBD could provide an effective alternative. Because of the compound’s interaction with our CB2 receptor, as well as its calming effect on the central nervous system, it’s an effective treatment for many different types of pain. 


Treatment of Anxiety

Anxiety is reportedly the most common mental health issue today. Experts are divided on the topic of why the issue is so prevalent, and they have also struggled to recommend a treatment that works for everyone.

While CBD won’t automatically cure anyone of mental illness, there is a growing body of evidence that shows its usefulness for many people with anxiety. 



Our modern lifestyles have made us healthier than our ancestors in many ways. We eat better food, have access to more advanced medicine, and live in more sheltered conditions than people who lived 50 or 100 years ago.

However, one way in which our health has not improved is our sleeping patterns. Our use of electronic devices, coupled with the increased activity and stress in our lives, has led to us getting less sleep.

Luckily, CBD can be of assistance here. Its calming interaction with the central nervous system allows many people living with insomnia to nod off more quickly at the end of the day.



One of the most famous effects of cannabis is “the munchies.” Every weed enthusiast remembers a time when they cleared out their fridge after a few bong hits.

Despite being non-psychoactive, CBD can also fuel your appetite. For those who have lost their appetite due to a condition like cancer or multiple sclerosis, consuming CBD can help with the comfortable consumption of meals.

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Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/40OH9u5gbcI


Why Vape CBD?

There are many different ways to take CBD. You could smoke it in a joint, add CBD oil to your food, and even apply it to your skin as a topical solution.

While vaping is newer than these methods, it has several important advantages. We’ve looked at some of the most important here.


This might not have anything to do with health benefits, but there’s no denying that vaping is the coolest way to consume CBD in 2020. If you can teach yourself some tricks from online sources, you’ll have your vape clouds looking like artful masterpieces in no time.


This is an advantage of vaping that people often overlook. However, the truth is that vaping is by far the most convenient way to consume CBD.

Most vapes fit comfortably in purses or jacket pockets, meaning that you can bring them just about anywhere. Also, vapes allow you to carefully moderate your CBD dosage with every hit, unlike CBD edibles.


Most places have strict rules on smoking indoors, with many areas even requiring smokers to move a few feet away from the door of bars and restaurants. Even if you were inclined to break these rules, the smell of smoke would quickly give you away.

However, the rules on vaping are far less strict. Also, because CBD’s smell is much less potent than that of smoke, you can get away with vaping indoors in a lot of places.

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This is the factor that attracts most people to vaping, whether they’re taking CBD or a liquid of some other kind. There is a wealth of evidence showing that vaping poses far fewer health risks than smoking tobacco.

If you usually mix your CBD flower with tobacco, vaping will be a much healthier option for you.


Keeping Up With the Most Important Vaping and CBD Trends in 2020

Both vaping and CBD are growing in popularity all the time. The combination of the two is likely to be a welcome innovation; as you can see, there are plenty of reasons to try vaping CBD if you haven’t already.


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Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.