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Smoking cigarettes is a very old thing and since the discovery of tobacco, it is used to smoke in various forms. Sometimes they are cigarettes; sometimes they are cigars and sometimes even smoking rolls. But cigarettes are more n use because they are cheap and easily accessible. Now even cigarettes have great variety and they are available in different forms. But they all have one common ingredient which us same in all of them and that is tobacco. They are finely made through various combinations of tobacco with some other elements of the same nature. Usually, they are considered harmful due to the presence of nicotine and tar. Both these compounds are found to have deep negative effects on human health.

How packaging can play a constructive role?

In every product, packaging always comes at the first stage and everything else comes later. So packaging certainly has a very impactful role. It can build as well as change perception. So for cigarettes, you need packaging too and through it, you can help people taking the right track. Promoting the health awareness messages and spreading consciousness through packaging boxes is very solid and string step. Usually, it is blank cigarette boxes which are used to pack and contain cigarettes which are developed with various images based at spreading and creating awareness. You can see that some of the cigarettes boxes come with printed images of various damaged body parts which are destroyed due to excessive use of cigarettes. Also, using approved packaging for cigarettes which are declared as rightful from the concerned authorities is mandatory. So be responsible and make responsible use of cigarettes. 

  • Health issues:
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Cigarettes have diverse effects on human health and sometimes their excessive use can lead to the death of the smoker. Nicotine or tar both are present in different quantities in all the cigarettes and they are so damaging that they can even destroy the human lungs and causing different kinds of severe diseases. Apart from that some fearful diseases like tuberculosis, cancer, heart attack and liver failure also take place due to the excessive nicotine intake. All kinds of chest issues and coughs are caused due to the use if tar which is also present in cigarettes. So there is nothing about cigarettes which have a positive effect on human health.

  • Addiction:

Smoking is a curse and it makes people addicted to it. Once they are addicted to smoking cigarettes, it is very difficult for them to get rid of it. Similarly, when a person becomes an addict, it becomes very difficult for him to survive without cigarettes. He stops having a positive and constructive approach towards life and starts wasting his life before his own eyes. He fails to have healthy relationships and good communications. In the nutshell, he starts becoming a dysfunctional individual who wastes his capabilities and potential. And once you’re addicted to cigarettes, it takes a lot of continuous and persistent efforts to give up on it and in most, if the cases, people fail to do so. They can’t give up on it which eventually takes away their lives. So it is very alarming to become an addict of cigarettes.

  • Anxiety and mental health issues:
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Anxiety and mental health issues are very closely linked to the excessive use of cigarettes because it has very drastic effects on mental health. A person loses the will to think rationally at so many things. He is not an active participant on different occasions in life. He is also not well regarded by fellow individuals. It all combines to make him the victim of inferiority complex and develop anxiety. Any type of anxiety and mental health issues lead the victim to the verge of suicide and develop suicidal thoughts. So it is very harmful to rely on cigarettes or any other kind of smoking products because they only bring negative changes in a person.

How the entire world can cope up against cigarettes?

The number of smokers living in any part of the world, any region and any country is continuously increasing. A huge number of cigarette manufacturing companies are producing millions of cigarettes on an everyday basis. But this is also very disastrous because it is leading our youth toward self-destruction and making them useless. For fighting a battle against the excessive and unlimited use of cigarettes, the entire world needs to be untied and fight it together. But it only possible if all the states are on one page, they discourage the companies to make an unlimited number of cigarettes and cooperate to curb this curse. However, it is not a very easy task and not possible without putting in constant efforts.  But if it is not controlled today, it can lead to a very dangerous and devastating future for upcoming generations. So it is always better to address the issues timely before they become too broad to control. Smoking is a vastly spreading issue which if timely controlled can save a lot of lives.

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Creating awareness among masses:

The best solution towards fighting the curse of smoking together is through creating awareness and making the people aware that they are only harming themselves. A string and motivational awareness highlighting the dangerous factual impacts on human life and health can inspire the addicts to try to give up smoking. And if they don’t find giving up so easy, they can at least think about reducing the quantity the intake every day. Usually, it is empty cigarette boxes which are used to pack and contain cigarettes with various images based at spreading and creating awareness. So it is only possible through small efforts that you can motivate individuals to adopt a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking cigarettes. Some cigarettes have such a high content if drugs that they can make the addicts lose their senses. It makes them live a miserable life. But it is never too late to take small steps and help people towards achieving their target of quitting smoking. It may sound difficult in the beginning but once acted upon, it can prove very fruitful.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.