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How are Mobile Apps Built?

As compared to web app development, mobile app development is a bit expensive. They are platform-specific, launching an application across different platforms while starting from scratch in terms of design & development. But they are must faster and tend to be more advanced in terms of features & functionality.

Mobile applications are built using particular languages & IDE as per the intended program. Such as Android is written in Java, generally, it is built using the Android Studio. Whereas Apple device runs on iOS native OS by built using Swift, Objective-C, & the X-code IDE.
In the case of Mobile App Development, Apple & Google provides their development tools, interface elements, & software development kits for native mobile app developers. Let’s have look over key features of mobile application:

1. Simplicity
Your application should be easy to understand, as many people have short attention spans, if your app is not easy to navigate then they will lose interest fast. User must be able to access information their quickly and easily. Make your application screen clear & improve the user experience that will encourage them for using it continue.

2. Speed
No one likes waiting, fast loading screens are vital. When a user has to look on the screen-loading symbol that will make them frustrated by resulting in moving on something better. In terms of mobile application, speed means an appropriate set of graphics by keeping it simple, eye-catching, & quick.

3. Good image resolution
A screen with loading speed is not enough because your content in it should be worth enough to ensure that users are getting engaged with it. Today’s users expect to have hi-definition and several colors for a great user experience. Anything less will limit your application sales.

4. Flexibility
Mobile application provides you flexibility on multiple platforms such as android, iOS, Windows. Android apps can be easily uploaded to the PlayStore, but iOS needs to be tried & tested by Apple before they are allowed on the App Store. Of-course coding doesn’t need to be different but screen sizes & resolution should be tested on both systems before uploading.

5. Security
Today, online security is one of the important factors by becoming an ever-increasing issue for all the App Development. Security is a must for keeping your app credential data and information safe from cyber crime.

Hackers may Attempt to: 

  • They can place malware into apps or in your devices and can easily access data, & steal screen lock credentials.
  • Steal customer data for identity theft or fraud.
  • Get hold of private business assets.
  • Intercept sensitive information traveling over the network.
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6. Search options
Now, this is one of the important factors that you should consider while making a mobile application. The ability to search for either the application or the internet is important. It is one of the best choices specifically for Mobile Game Applications, it’s also important for social variety and business requirements.

7. Bright and bold color Schemes
Users should easily get attracted to on-screen for gaining more engagement with your mobile app. For this, you should be aware of the fundamentals such as eye-catching color schemes, color wheel so that your mobile application would look professional & stylish at the same time.

8. Push Notifications
They are easier than sending emails & less likely to end up in a spam folder, it can be text, graphics so that your user might get interested to watch your application. Of-course relevant and personalized push notifications are way better than unsolicited messages.

9. User Feedback
User’s feedback matters the most, and the best way to understand this is to ask the user themselves. With the help of feedback, you will get to know that what they feel about your application. They will let you know what improvements it requires and what more can be added to make it better. You can simply put a feedback button on your application for easy communication with your clients and users.

10. Updates
After getting feedback, now you know on which parts you need to focus or work on and how to make your application more relevant to the customers. Updates keep your application fresh and secure from the cyber crime. With a daily update, you will be able to provide a better product & services to the user.

How are Web Apps Built?

Web apps are built on JavaScript, CSS, & HTML5. Campers to mobile application web apps are easier to build and provides you simple features. If you want to propel your business forward, your website has to meet the same standards as your competitors. Here are the 10 essential features of a web application.

1. Mobile-friendliness
Of-course change in browsing behavior means it’s no longer acceptable to focus design on how websites look on computer screens. Today more than 70% of browsing is done on smartphones.
Your website should be designed as per all types of screen flexibility so that you can gain potential users’ attention and traffic as a result of good sales.
All you have to do is, develop a mobile-friendly design of your website so that users or visitors can easily access it from wherever you are. Though it still has to work on PC & tablets too.

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2. Quick loading times
Your website loading time impacts negatively on its traffic because slow loading times affect the performance of your website and search engine ranks your pages lower also users start to abandon your website if they have to wait.

Did you know that even a one-second delay on loading time can reduce online conversion rates by around 7%! Whereas in the retail environment the profit margin is small that improves the website loading time which could be the difference between success & failure.

Now several things can slow your site down and the best way to discover it is through Google Page Speed Insights tool. You can also host your website easily with high performance & web-optimized servers.

3. Search Engine Optimized
Your website can rank higher on search engines with good efforts of SEO activities. SEO activities can impact on the number of organic visitors your website gets.
Your website will get the services of SEO in several ways such as on-page optimization, on-site optimization, & off-site optimization, However, at the same time you need to make sure that you don’t over-optimize your website should be more user-centric instead of simply created for search engine.

4. Analytics-enabled
Without knowing how your website is performing you will never know what you have to improve in that. You can track your website performance by using the tool Google Analytics.
Through Google Analytics, you can track a wide range of metrics, such as traffic volumes, visitor’s behavior, conversion rates, and many more activities. Here you will easily understand which part of your website is performing better and which part needs more improvement.

5. Built for conversion
The main goal of your user website is to generate new business for attracting new customers or retain existing ones. A good website will increase your earning potential, you can set-up specific landing pages & create sales funnels that will positively impact your website.

6. Content Management Enabled
Whether it’s your visitor to a search engine, their first preference will be a fresh and engaging content on your website. Make sure your website makes it easy for you to manage your content. There are several CMS platforms like WordPress which are an ideal choice for a good website.
Through CMS you will be able to publish new content regularly, also create a long-term content marketing campaign.

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7. Social media
Social media is boon for many businesses today around the world. It can easily extend the reach of your brand to a new customer. You should keep a social sharing button on your website page so that readers or visitors can easily share it with others and also create the social media accounts of your services and product that will get a good traffic to your website.

8. Set up Email Marketing
Today, most of the business uses email marketing strategy because it is effective for generating new business than social media and provides you higher conversion rates than PPC, direct mail, and so on.
Your website should have the email subscription forms, also take benefit of email & newsletter plugins for delivering marketing materials to your subscribers.

9. Robust Security
The website can easily get the robust protection by choosing a web host server that provides you the important security tools such as malware protection, firewalls, SSL certificates, remote backups, and so on.
From your end, you need to ensure that your website itself is configured for security that your passwords are secured by using two-factor authentication.

10. Progressive Web Apps
Today, people like to spend more time on apps instead of surfing on the web. SO here you know that why you have to make your website user-friendly so that it will work just like an application by having the range of app-like features. In the case of web apps, this can be done using PWA software (progressive web app).
PWA provides you an indexed content by a search engine that appears in a search result and that’s how it gives you the best of both formats unlike normal Android or iOS apps.

Developing both mobile website & mobile app for your business can be expensive for you. So choose as per your budget and business requirements. Both mobile app and web app have their flows but shares few similarities as well. Mobile apps provide you great personalization and operational efficiency, whereas web app can also help you get higher conversion rates.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.