• Washington
  • robinwcc2@gmail.com

There is no doubt about the fact that the on demand multi service Gojek App Clone has become one of the most popular business opportunities in today’s times. This is why; more and more people are opting to start their own entrepreneurial journey with it. However, the success or failure of any business hinges upon the right kind of business strategy. As much as we would like to believe it, starting your own business based on an app needs to have the right Product Market Fit to be successful.

What is product market fit?

When you create a solution to a problem in a digital sphere and your target audience likes it and demands more of it, it can be said that you have achieved product market fit. In order to be a successful business venture, you have to make sure that you reach or achieve the product market fit sooner than later. To this effect, you have to make sure that you start your On Demand Multi Service Gojek App clone business with the right business plan and market strategy.

Prototype vs. Ready Made App

The Gojek Clone app is a very complex one. There are many aspects to the application that make it operational. People all over the world have started understanding the advantages of starting this business, this is why; you will find that freelance developers or even companies have started making their own on demand multi services app like Gojek.

However, considering the complexity of the app, it is difficult to build an app of this size quickly. It takes almost 16 to 18 months to build this kind of app. You will also need a team of:

  1. Android developer
  2. iOS developer
  3. PHP developer
  4. Content Writer
  5. App Designer
  6. Web Designer
  7. Systems Analyst
  8. Data Base Analyst
  9. Quality Analysis
  10. Project Manager

Since building an app like this with so many resources is an expensive affair, many companies have started building prototypes instead of the real app. These prototypes are very explicit in terms of how the app should look and feel like, what will its flow be like and what will the end user see. However, they have no functionality at all.

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gojek app clone

Companies take the money from the clients in phases and build the app for them. Now, there is nothing wrong with this model. It is okay for the development companies to build an app with the funding they receive from their clients and it sometimes works out well for the clients as well because they can then have a say in tweaking the app as per their desire during the development phase.

However, the biggest draw back is that since the app is not functionally ready, it is difficult for anyone to estimate the final cost of the app and also the time that it will take to penetrate the market with the app.

The best alternative in this case is the Ready Made on demand Gojek Clone app. These apps are typically built by respected and reputed white label on demand mobile app development companies with years of experience in this domain.

These companies don’t rely on seed funding or the money raked in from their clients to build the app. Instead they invest to build the app themselves and then sell a licensed clone app to their clients. Since the apps are in a ready state, the company buying the app can test the app thoroughly before buying it.

The development team can set the clients up with a demo account, using which the client can download the app on multiple devices and test it thoroughly. This phase is extremely important because you can test the app on Android as well as iOS devices from the service provider, store as well as the end user’s perspective apart from peeking into the admin panel. Most smart entrepreneurs choose to purchase readymade apps because it is cost effective, quick to enter the market and gives you a complete idea of what to expect beforehand itself.

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What does the future hold?

The future of On Demand Multi Service Gojek Clone app lies completely within the realms of readymade apps. An application that has been tested by hundreds of thousands of customers all over the world is now available for people to access quickly and effortlessly.

As the people of the world begin to realize the potential of this business space, many entrepreneurs globally will secure this app and launch it in different countries to make sure that they can access the potential of this business. The sooner one enters this industry; the better will their chances at success will be.


If you too have been wondering how you can start your own on demand multi services Gojek Clone app based business, then you have to make sure that you buy the right kind of app built by the right white label on demand mobile app development company that has years of experience in building these apps. Make sure that you also go through their client testimonials so that you know the past experiences of various companies in working with them. Finally, make sure that you only opt for a readymade app rather than a prototype so that you can penetrate the market timely and at a very low expense.