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Addiction to drugs is very less common as compared to nicotine or alcohol addiction. One finds drug addicts in all social classes and in all age groups. Among young people, it is mainly fashion drugs such as ecstasy or crystal meth that are often taken at parties and when going to the disco. Drug addiction is a disease that often cannot be defeated alone.

Typical behavior and consequences:

  • the indomitable desire to take and procure the respective means
  • Tendency to increase the dose
  • mental and physical dependence on the effects of the drug
  • the loss of control on your self
  • frequency

Why someone starts using drugs is a difficult question to answer. The drug problem can be found in all social classes. Each drug has a different effect, which is why there are so many different drug users. Drugs are taken when there is pain, frustration, boredom, to improve performance or because of depression and often enough out of peer pressure.

The most commonly used illicit drugs are cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, and hallucinogens (e.g. LSD).

Symptoms of drug addiction

Everyone reacts differently to drug use. It can happen that people have typical symptoms even without drug use and, conversely, there are also people with drug addiction who do not notice their use.

Signs of drug addiction are coming:

  1. A strong urge to use drugs regularly
  2. Storage of drugs
  3. Drug use is out of control
  4. The dose of the intoxicant must be increased in order to have an effect
  5. Withdrawal symptoms occur when the drug is stopped
  6. Substance use continues despite clear physical and/or psychological damage
  7. Typical signs of abuse in adolescents
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The school obligations are neglected, the youngsters always find new reasons to avoid school attendance. The academic achievements drop extremely strongly.

Sudden neglect of personal hygiene, appearance, and clothing can be a sign of substance abuse. In addition, there is often indifference.

Privacy is extremely important for all young people. In the phase of growing up, the parents should no longer notice everything. If, however, excessive secrecy about personal belongings, social relationships, and activities is particularly noticeable, then these may be signs of drug abuse being hidden.

Pocket money is no longer sufficient, the need for money increases without a comprehensible explanation, and in extreme cases, the young people steal money and objects to cover the costs of the drugs.


People who are constantly on the lookout for adventure, show impulsive behavior, or rebel against common social norms tend to use drugs. Out of curiosity or to get a new kick.

Young people in particular often find it difficult to resist peer pressure. Who likes to be an outsider?

With the use of drugs, people sometimes want to escape painful psychological problems. The drug users try to escape ailments such as anxiety, depression and loneliness. Half of all people with drug problems also suffer from psychiatric issues or mental illnesses such as depression, ADHD, anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorders.

How do drugs work?

Drugs are nothing more than poisons, the effect is determined by the amount taken. A small amount is stimulating, a larger amount can be calming, and an even larger amount can be fatal.

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Drugs block all sensations – beautiful, desired, and undesirable. Drugs affect the brain’s ability to respond quickly and provide information. Reactions become slower and errors increase as a result. When failures pile up, the craving for drugs increases at the same time in order to comfort oneself over the problems. A cycle begins. Repeated drug use can distort perception, actions appear strange or irrational to outsiders.

Drug Addiction Treatment – the will to quit

The first step in overcoming drug addiction is self-awareness. Unless an addict recognizes his illness as such and decides to fight it, he cannot overcome it. Because no therapy, however good, can replace the power of one’s own will.


The first step often takes place in a drug treatment center. There, drug addicts and their relatives can speak openly about their worries and problems. A suitable withdrawal program is created together with the counselor.

In some cases, outpatient treatment is sufficient, in others a hospital stay is inevitable. There is also the possibility of assisted living in short-term or long-term facilities.

The goal of drug therapy is in any case the complete abstinence from drugs, the reintegration of the addict into society, the relearning of everyday and social structures and independent, self-determined life. To achieve this, most forms of addiction therapy rely on complete abstinence.

However, this is controversial in modern drug treatment – not only because of the physical pain that withdrawal causes addicts but also because of the high relapse rate.

Drug counseling

There are many different kinds of help available for drug addicts and their relatives. Outpatient advice centers, inpatient therapy in hospitals and clinics or self-help groups – depending on the severity of the addiction and the type of drug, each patient can be helped individually.

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Today the drug addiction treatment in Islamabad offers its services for the implementation of the drug treatment program for drugs and alcohol abuse patients. They all have a common goal: to free people from the clutches of addiction. Forever.

Drug clinic in Islamabad uses a unique approach that gets to the root of the problem – and provides a path to long-term success.

For more than a decade, IPCRC has helped those believed lost to drug abuse. Week after week. Year for year. Our success is measured by the ever-increasing number of graduates who are now leading new life without drugs.

Shabbir Ahmad

Shabbir Ahmad is a freelance enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is the founder of Shifted Magazine & Shifted News. He contributes to many authority blogs including porch, hackernoon & techcrunch.